Commissioners consider funds for security cameras at Niobrara County fairgrounds

Brandie Collins
Posted 1/8/25

NIOBRARA COUNTY – During the first meeting of the year for the Niobrara County Commissioners, the use of funds to help pay for the addition of security cameras at the Niobrara County Fairgrounds was considered.

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Commissioners consider funds for security cameras at Niobrara County fairgrounds


NIOBRARA COUNTY – During the first meeting of the year for the Niobrara County Commissioners, the use of funds to help pay for the addition of security cameras at the Niobrara County Fairgrounds was considered.

Kellie Chichester, University Extension Educator 4-H/Youth Development, stated that she discussed the topic at length with James Santistevan, Niobrara County Emergency Management Coordinator. Chichester will be addressing this matter with the Niobrara County Fairground Board during their first meeting on January 7.  Santistevan and Chiches- ter have been discussing applying for certain grants to pay for the security camera system.

County Clerk Becky Freeman suggested using funds remaining from Federal money the town had received. The commissioners considered this course of action. However, no final decision was made. Presently, the funding options for the camera security system remain undetermined.

Chichester also reported the floor in front of the entry way to the fair- grounds was resealed. Additionally, new flooring was placed because of buckling in the old floor. Chichester said they do not know where the moisture that is causing the problem is coming from. She did hypothesize the moisture was coming from under- neath the flooring from some sort of water source. Chichester hopes the new seal and flooring will prevent any more moisture. If it continues, Chichester said there would have to be further investigation.

During department head meetings, Niobrara County Sheriff Randy Starkey explained the 911 surcharge only uses Niobrara County prefixes. 334 is used for landlines and cell phone use prefix 340. If a call comes in from any other number, then the 911 surcharge funds will go to the appropriate prefix location. Niobrara County surcharge is 75 cents and the money will go to Niobrara County.

Niobrara County Attorney Annie Wasserburger updated the commissioners about the possible service agreement with Forensic Radiology Group LLC. Wasserburger said she had spoken with other counties in Wyoming and it appears many of them are using Forensic Pathologist from Loveland, Colorado. Wass- erburger said she reached out to the Coroner Association and she did get a hold of the Attorney General’s office.

She was told the Coroner Association does not use radiologists to perform forensic pathology. Only certified Forensic Pathologists can be used for autopsies that will be presented in court. Wasserburger said she would need to speak with County Coroner Pete Pier further about this issue.

Road and Bridge supervisor Fred Thomas updated the commissioners concerning the northern rehab project. Thomas and Benchmark repre- sentative Brian Wakefield told the commissioners there are still a few things needing to be done.

However, neither Thomas nor Wakefield have been able to contact contractor. Wakefield suggested the commissioners should consider a warranty on the work completed. The rehab project has cost over $7,600 in Niobrara County resources. This includes man hours and material provided by the county. Wakefield told the commissioners every service provided by the county and Benchmark has been more than fair. Thomas and Wake- field told the commissioners they have never had issues like this work- ing with a contractor. Thomas said, as far as aesthetics are concerned, it does not look pretty. However, the concrete appears strong enough. Thomas said epoxy and plant grass seed will be used in the warmer spring weather.

Public Health Response Coordina- tor Monica Wilcox updated the commissioners about the AAA grant for the car seat program. Wilcox said they have been promoting programs offered by Niobrara County Public Health to new mothers. Wilcox said they still have 18 car seats for any families that may need a new one. Contact Public Health for further in- formation about the car seat program.

Santistevan updated the commissioners on Hazard Mitigation, which is continuing due to Natrona County’s failure to finalize their plan. Santiste- van said he received an alert there is still drone activity occurring within the State of Wyoming. Most recently, drones have been spotted flying around F.E. Warren Airforce Base. Santistevan said Niobrara County has a new Red Cross Representative, who will be coming in the spring to look over things with Santistevan. Santistevan said he is happy with this rep and looks forward to his visit.

There will be a Public Hearing for public comment with the Land Use on February 4 at 3 p.m. at the Niobrara County Shooting Complex.

The next Niobrara County Commis- sioner Meeting will be held on Janu- ary 21 at 9 a.m. at the Niobrara Coun- ty Courthouse.