
Phillip Collins
Posted 1/8/25

LUSK – Looking to place a popular slo- gan or some other gem of wisdom on a coffee mug? What about a T-shirt with that familiar logo on it? If so, then Custom- ware307 is the place to go.

Owned and operated by Chris and Amanda Pavone, this relatively recent addition to the Lusk business community provides patrons with customized items for all occasions.

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LUSK – Looking to place a popular slo- gan or some other gem of wisdom on a coffee mug? What about a T-shirt with that familiar logo on it? If so, then Custom- ware307 is the place to go.

Owned and operated by Chris and Amanda Pavone, this relatively recent addition to the Lusk business community provides patrons with customized items for all occasions.

“We specialize in customizations,” Chris said. “We do anything from vinyl decals to shirts, hats, hoodies, candles, soaps, and cups. If some type of personalized custom- ization can go on it, then that’s what we do.”

Expanding on this extensive repertoire, Amanda stated they could customize items for businesses, tournaments, and other miscellaneous needs.

“I even had some people come in here asking for reunion shirts,” Amanda said.

Chris stated, in order to maintain the in- tegrity of his vision for the store, the busi- ness operations will be largely a family affair.

“We are basically a family-owned busi- ness,” Chris said.

Chris began working with customized vinyl five-years ago. The idea for a store devoted to customized merchandise arose while Chris was casually shopping online. Gazing at the various personalized items made available by online mer- chants planted a seed of inspiration. That seed has now sprouted in the form of Customware307.

“So, one day, I was just looking at clothes and I just started think- ing, ‘What if I could make clothes? What if I could customize it the way I wanted to?’” Chris said. “So, this really just sprung from shopping on- line into thinking, ‘Hey, I can do what everyone else is doing.’ If I could bring it to the community and give back to the community, then I definitely wanted to do that. So, we started our store up and that was that.”

Chris and Amanda are presently develop- ing a website for their store. Once operational, the website will allow customers to order merchandise online. The purchasing op- tion will exist alongside the physical store, which is situated a few doors down from the local Post Office.

Customware307 has been open for roughly a month now. According to Chris, the winter months have slowed the amount of traffic that their store has seen. However, he anticipates an uptick in business as the summer months advance.

“It’s starting to gain some traction,” Chris said. “I see us starting to hit some good numbers as we come into the sum- mer. Everything is a little slow in the wintertime.”

Of course, shopping exclusively online has become a dominant form of commerce in recent years. However, Amanda contends that an actual physical store boasts the advantage of immediate availability. Moreover, these readily available items are reasonably priced.

“Somebody may be like, ‘I could get that online,’" Amanda said. "Yet, you could get it here for a reasonable price and you could get it now as opposed to waiting a week or so.”

Amanda stated, in addition to customized items, memberships with the Lusk Dirt Riders are available at the store. These dirt bike enthusiasts congregate at the Pavone-owned dirt track, which is situ- ated to the east of the town.