LUSK - Skye Martin has worked for the school district since 2006 when she started as a substitute teacher.
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LUSK - Skye Martin has worked for the school district since 2006 when she started as a substitute teacher. As she continued her career at LEMS she moved into a para position and eventually became a full time teacher in 2016. Martin was named Teacher of the Year for the district. She was nominated by her supervisor and praised for her constancy, her commitment to students and her work ethic as well as her longevity.
During district presentations and updates the FBLA students presented on their trip to Atlanta for National Conference this past summer. All agreed the trip was an amazing cultural and competition experience and thanked the school board for their financial support of FBLA.
Principals Tiffany Assman and Katherine Kruse along with educators Holly Kerkes, Cora Fitzgerald, Sandra Johnson, Beth Gordon, Rickie Kremers and Laura Lyons presented WY-TOPP and ACT data for the district from the 2022-23 academic year and before. They discussed the great strides the district is making building on practices and culture that were established in 2019 and the hard work that both students and staff are doing to get the WYTOPPs percentages to improve. A supplementary article on this presentation and information is in this week’s edition of the Herald.
NCHS Principal Katherine Kruse reported that the Mallo Camp trip for middle school had gone very well inspire of an early return due to weather. She thanked all those involved including Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Reed, Teri Goddard, Mr Whitten and Mr. Nusland, Mrs. Sturman and all those involved. The kids had the opportunity to learn how to canoe and do archery as well as several other stations. As Kruse stated, “It was awesome to see the kids being kids, they just loved it., thank you.”
Business Manager Katie Caffee provided the requested data clarification on attorney fees the district had paid from July and August. There was clarification that the dollar amount was $3,345 not $6,000 and this was for two months of services.
Under action items at the September 25 school board meeting discussion was held regarding the assigning of extra duty (and included pay) to a principal or administrator. The recommendation was for NCHS Principal Katherine Kruse to be granted the concession manager extra duty position. School board member
Loren Heth expressed hesitation regarding this assignment since he could not remember a time historically when a principal was given extra duty and had a concern that this would set a precedence for future administrative position for an expectation that they will be expected to do this in the future. Kruse pointe out that she had continued to be the FCCLA coach and that while they have tried to find another concession stand manager it has been almost impossible to get someone that is willing to work concessions if no group/individual signs up for that particular event. Kruse has ended up covering the concession stand and since she would oversee that individual it was just easier for her to take it on herself.
Superintendent Mirich also explained that concessions is a flat rate for the extra duty pay and other positions are teacher base-pay percentages, not the salary of an administrator off the percentage that is paid. Casey Bruegger was also approved as the Speech Coach.
Also approved under action items was Section C policies on second reading. Joyce Hammer requested clarification on the defined work day in the job description for the superintendent position. The terms of employment in the policies included the phrase “full time 8 hours/day” an dHammer wanted clarification on how that would work with a four day school week. There was also discussion regarding the fact that a contract would supersede the policy and whatever was outlined in a contract for a superintendent was be the interpretation of “full time.” Mirich also pointed out that at this time full time is only defined as 40 hours a week for all district office employees and that is typically four nine hour days and then working until noon on Friday. The policy was one recommended by the Wyoming school board association and had not originated with the district.
Melissa Wagner was released from her contract per her request and the board discussed how her responsibilities would be reassigned. At this time the district is advertising for a para and would be happy to advertise for a special education teacher as well. It is unnecessary to have both and Mirich is sure it will be difficult to find a teacher at this late time. He hopes to fill the responsibilities using a para for the remainder of the school year and then recruit a teacher in the spring.
Homeschool petitions for Jason and Lindsey Gill and Richard Riqueo were acknowledged.
Vice-chair Katie Kruse asked Mirich if he had been contacted by either the Lusk Police Department, Town Council, Commissioners or Sheriff’s department regarding the potential of another School Resource Officer. Kruse had noticed some discussion in the minutes of both the Council and commissioners meetings regarding this topic. Mirich reported he had not yet been contacted and the board requested he reach out to interim police chief Jake Gordon to engage in discussion regarding this topic. Mirich pointed out that without a contract between the district and law enforcement any position that law enforcement would hold with be more of an law enforcement liaison not an SRO. Kruse inquired of administrators present if this was a position they were still interested in having in the district. Kruse stated that there are definitely times it would be helpful to have one to consult with and help with emergency management. She would not be opposed to one personally but there is a lot of discussion that needs to happen regarding the position.
Following an executive session for personnel and as follow up on a previous executive session the meeting was adjourned.