Public Notice
December 18, 2018
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on this date at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Richard A. Ladwig, Commissioners Patrick H. Wade, John Midkiff and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, present. Commissioner elect Elaine Griffith was also present.
Road and Bridge- Fred Thomas, Road and Bridge Foreman, met with the Commissioners and discussed road and bridge business.
The group discussed adding an additional mile of road on Boner Road and costs associated with that.
Mr. Thomas asked if the Commissioners had given any additional thought to purchasing additional gravel from the Manville Pit before Mobile Concrete increases their price for gravel after the first of the year.
Mr. Midkiff moved to approve the purchase of $150,000.00 worth of gravel from Mobile Concrete at $7.35/ton. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried.
Kerry Steward, Community Prevention Specialist, met with the Commissioners and updated them on the prevention coalition activities.
She said that she is continuing work on gathering information for the needs assessment. She said that some high school students in the Service Learning class orchestrated a prescription and over the counter drug drop off with the police department. She said that just under 25 lbs. of medication (including packaging) was collected at the police department and 9 lbs. were collected at the Senior Center.
Shared Use Agreement- Carolyn Pflughoeft, Library Board Vice-Chairman/Secretary, met with the Commissioners and discussed the shared use agreement between Niobrara County on behalf of the Niobrara County Library and the Congregational Church. The Congregational Church agrees to share the basement southeast corner storage room with the Library for storage purposes only,
In addition, and on a case by case basis and with the cooperation of the Lusk Alliance Church, Blish Hall may be used by the Library for special programs.
Mr. Wade moved to approve the shared use agreement between the Congregational Church and Niobrara County on behalf of the Niobrara County Library at a cost of $200.00 a month to be paid semi-annually by the Library. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Brian Wakefield, engineer with BenchMark of Torrington met with the Commissioners and Fred Thomas and discussed the 2018 Road Rehabilitation Project.
Mr. Wakefield presented paperwork for signatures, but did note that there was in issue with the dates on the bond. The bond has the wrong date, but Mr. Wakefield has contacted the contractor to rectify the matter.
2018 Road Rehabilitation Contract- Mr. Midkiff moved to sign the contract and Notice to Proceed between Timberline Services, Inc. and Niobrara County, pending receipt of a properly executed bond. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried.
County Attorney- Doyle J. Davies, Deputy County Attorney, met with the Commissioners and discussed county business.
He discussed a visit he had with fair board members regarding proposed by-laws for the fair board.
Executive Session- Mr. Wade moved to enter into Executive Session at 11:10 a.m. with Mr. Davies to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried. Mr. Wade moved to exit out of Executive Session and reconvene the regular session at 11:15 a.m. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried. No action was taken.
WYDOT- Bill Panos, Director of the Wyoming Department of Transportation, Mike Larson, Vice-Chairman of the Wyoming Department of Transportation Commission, and Sara Ellis, Wyoming Department of Transportation Local Government Coordinator met with the Commissioners, Brian Wakefield, BenchMark of Torrington and Fred Thomas, Niobrara County Road and Bridge to discuss Industrial Road Program (IRP), the State Transportation Improvement Programs (STIP) for Niobrara County and WYOLINK.
Consent Agenda- Mr. Wade moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the December 4, 2018 meeting and receipts from the Clerk of Court for the month of November for $861.00.
Free Use Application and Permit (FUP) for Brown Pit- Mr. Midkiff moved to sign the Free Use Application and Permit for the L. Brown Trucking LLC., Community Pit. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried. The FUP allows Niobrara County to obtain 50,000 tons of sand and gravel from the pit for a permit term of 10 years.
Division Order for Hanson Fee 1-12H well- Mr. Wade moved to approve the signing of the Division Order. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried. By signing this Division Order, Niobrara County is certifying the ownership of the decimal interest in production (oil and gas) or proceeds as described payable by Thunder Basin Resources, LLC.
Resolution 18-18- Non Corporate Resolution Form- Mr. Midkiff moved to sign Resolution 18-18. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried. This resolution authorizes Keri Thompson, as Treasurer, on behalf of Niobrara County, to establish and maintain one or more accounts with Multi-Bank Securities, Inc. (Broker) and Pershing LLC., its successors or assigns, and for the purpose of purchasing, investing in or otherwise acquiring, selling, possessing, transferring, exchanging, pledging, or otherwise disposing of or realizing upon, and generally dealing with all forms of cash transaction in securities and cash and margin transactions in securities. A complete copy of the Resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s office.
There being no further business, Mr. Ladwig adjourned the meeting at 3:41 p.m.
Patrick H. Wade, Chairman
Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk
Public Notice No. 5201. Published in The Lusk Herald on February 6, 2019