October 1, 2019
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on this date at 9:10 a.m. with Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chair John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, present.
Chairman Wade led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Road & Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas met with the Commissioners and discussed county roads and snow fence.
County Attorney- County Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business.
She also discussed the Tri-County Joint Powers Agreement for broadband.
Executive Session- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to enter into executive session with Attorney Wasserburger at 10:04 a.m. to discuss personnel issues. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried.
Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to go out of executive session at 10:33 a.m. with no action taken. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried.
Chairman Wade discussed the snow fence project and said that there are two different locations where snow fence would be placed on State leased lands. The Commissioners asked Attorney Wasserburger to contact the Wyoming State Land and Investment Board to find out what requirements are necessary to erect snow fence on State Land. Foreman Thomas will contact the lessees to verify their interest in having snow fence on their leased land
Elected Officials and Department Heads- Emergency Management Coordinator James Santistevan, Treasurer Keri Thompson, Extension Agent Denise Smith, Attorney Anne Wasserburger, Clerk of Court Chrisanna Lund and County Clerk Becky Freeman met with the Commissioners and discussed county business and office operations.
Mr. Santistevan spoke on emergency management paperwork.
Ms. Thompson said her office is busy collecting tax payments and that auditors will be here soon.
Mrs. Smith said that they received a grant through UW to help fund the 4-H Fridays. She said the money stays at UW and she has a card she uses to purchase required materials, etc. She said they are preparing for achievement day and the Halloween carnival.
Ms. Wasserburger discussed gambling and the new skill games that don’t appear to be considered gambling and can be operated in Niobrara County until she hears differently from the Attorney General’s Office.
Ms. Lund discussed a Child Support Association conference she recently attended.
Both Vice-Chairman Midkiff and Commissioner Griffith discussed cybersecurity issues that were addressed at the Wyoming Association of County Officers (WACO) conference and that there needs to be training on what to look for and avoid as far as suspicious emails and websites are concerned.
Statement of Impact- Commissioner Griffith moved to submit the Statement of Impact for the Petition of De-Annexation for a portion of Van Tassell, Wyoming. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Commissioner Griffith moved to sign the retainer letter with Falen Law to review the County’s Natural Resource Policy Plan. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the Sept. 17, 2019 meeting and receipts for the month of September from the County Clerk for $6,397.88 and the Sheriff for $515.00. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried.
Payroll and the following vouchers were approved for payment: Absolute Solutions- radio repair- $285.44; Aflac Insurance- supplemental insurance- $9,478.87; Allbright’s True Value- parts, supplies- $627.72; Alsco- shop towels and coveralls- $262.12; Anne Wasserburger- registration fee- $175.00; BAM Document Destruction & Recycling, LLC.- document shredding- $199.90; Becky L. Freeman- travel expense- $121.80; Benzel Pest Control- pest control- $97.00; Black Hills Chemical & Janitorial- supplies- $558.73; Black Hills Energy- utilities- $264.87; Blue Cross Blue Shield of Wyoming-insurance- $14,062.00; C & H Tire & Trailer Repair, LLC.- vehicle repairs- $120.00; Cally Lund- office rent- $500.00; Canon Financial Services, Inc.- copier service agreements- $418.00; Cary Gill- dues- $85.00; Casper Fire Extinguisher Service, Inc.- maintenance- $97.50; CenturyLink- telephone- $1,364.09; CenturyLink Business Services- telephone- $79.27; Chantry Filener- Computers- $12,352.58; Chrisanna Lund- travel expense- $127.60; CNA Surety- treasurer’s bond- $200.00; Connecting Point Computer Centers- copier service agreements- $386.15; Cory Wilcox- deputy coroner for July, Aug, Sept.- $300.00; Crook County- ESRI licensing fee- $3,750.00; Decker’s Market- supplies- $64.02; Delta Dental of WY- supplemental dental ins.- $1,037.05; Dennis C. Meier- office rent- $1,000.00; Dooley Oil Inc.- oil- $454.95; Doyle J. Davies- supplies- $106.60; Frank Parts- parts- $456.34; Fred Thomas- telephone- $94.69; Fusion Cloud Services- telephone- $917.31; Galls- uniforms- 15.14; Geographic Innovation- professional mapping- $1,300.00; Goshen Co. Detention Center- inmate housing- $1,705.00; GreatAmerica Financial Services- copier service agreements- $354.00; Hiway Brake & Alignment- vehicle repairs- $435.36; Jameson Cleaning & Maintenance, LLC.- fairgrounds contract- $6,800.00; Jerry Post, d/b/a Post & Associates- employee medical- $800.00; Jub Jub, Inc.- I T expense- $30.00; Keri Thompson- travel expense- $120.64; Kerry Steward- prevention grant expenditures- $433.01; Lusk Herald- publications- $1,604.88; MasterCard- travel, supplies, computer expense, subscriptions, schools, postage, maintenance- $,3655.47; Monika D. Davies- office rent- $500.00; Niobrara County Hospital District- 1% option tax and inmate medical- $19,068.76; Niobrara County Library- library deferred comp.- $1,725.00; Niobrara County Public Health- prevention grant administration- $424.95; Niobrara County Sheriff’s Office- postage- $6.05; Niobrara Electric Association- radio tower- $52.90; Office Depot- supplies- $139.36; Pine Ridge Enterprises, LLC.- courthouse contract, cleaning supplies- $4,920.19; Plainsman Printing & Supply- supplies- $588.39; Porter, Muirhead, Cornia & Howard- Audit- $10,000.00; Prairie Business Solutions- computer expense- $650.00; Rawhide Drug Company- inmate medical- $96.41; Respond First Aid- supplies- 246.00; Safeguard Business Systems- supplies- $439.86; Solutions for Life- mental health support- $1,500.00; Sylvestri Customization- I T expense- $100.00; Team Laboratory Chemical Corp.- fairgrounds supplies- $376.20; Teri Stephens- mileage lister- $41.60; The Master’s Touch- mailing service- $1,722.57; Thomson Reuters-West- law library- $150.00; Torrington Office Supply- supplies, new equipment- $569.26; Town of Lusk- utilities- $2,463.17; Tyler Technologies- computer expense- $82.69; U W Extension- co’s qtrly share 4-h educator- $6,199.50; Valley Motor Supply- $482.86; Verizon Wireless- telephone- $325.63; Visionary Broadband- I T expense- $520.03; Vivian Fahy- part time at extension ofc.- $70.00; Walt’s Lathe & Machine- equipment repairs, new equipment, parts- $284.03; Westco- fuel- $4,064.31; Whitaker Oil- fuel- $2,941.30; WY Enterprise Technology Services- computer expense- $10.20; Wyoming Assoc. of Co. Officers- dues- $325.00; Wyoming Machinery- rental, parts- $5,593.31; Wyoming Network, Inc.- I T expense- $200.00; Wyoming Women’s Center- inmate meals- $3,095.70; Xerox Corp.- copier service agreement- $131.04.
Total- $112,826.45
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
/s/ Patrick Wade, Chairman
/s/ Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk
Public Notice No. 5338. Publish in the Lusk Herald October 23, 2019