The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on September 19, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Patrick H. Wade. Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman were present. Members of the audience included Heather Goddard with the Lusk Herald.
Road & Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas met with the Commissioners and updated them on road and bridge business.
He said they are busy fixing washouts.
He said that six auto gates on the Cheyenne River Road from the well locations on north need to be replaced due to the heavy oil field truck traffic.
He said it would cost over $50,000.00 to purchase new auto gates and blocks for Cheyenne River Road. He said the same situation is occurring on Divide Road with auto gate damage. He is aware of two auto gates that need to be replaced.
The was a brief discussion about updating the current road use agreements.
County Attorney- County Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business.
Mrs. Wasserburger discussed the fire alarm panel proposal for the fairgrounds and said it was not ready to sign in its current format.
Commissioner Griffith stated that Joseph Martinez’s class will sand the flagpole and repaint it and will charge all supplies to county. She noted that an extension needs to be added to the base of the pole where the concrete was removed. She will contact Paul Swartz to see if he can weld an extension onto the existing pole.
Community Juvenile Services Board Appointments- Commissioner Griffith noted there was a position that needed to be filled due to the resignation of Bo Krein as the Chief of Police for the Town of Lusk. Currently, Jake Gordon is the interim police chief for the Town of Lusk and is willing to fill the vacancy. Bo Krein informed Commissioner Griffith he is interested in staying on the board as a community member.
Commissioner Griffith moved to appoint Jake Gordon to the board as the interim Town of Lusk chief of police and Bo Krein as a community member at large to the Community Juvenile Service Board. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.
Commissioner Griffith reported on the Congressional Tour wrap up and said that Niobrara County’s portion ran smoothly and was very successful.
Sheriff Randy Starkey joined the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Courthouse Sidewalk- A representative with AVI Engineering met with the Commissioners and the group conducted a review of the proposed sidewalk layouts and landscaping on the east side of the courthouse.
Neil Holmes met with the Commissioners and discussed the back slope on the public health nurse building. It is a problem with water and will continue to be that way until the street and curbs are installed. Mr. Holmes said they could install a berm, but it wouldn’t be permanent. He suggested placing rip rap on the slope. He will also place 1” rock alongside the valley pan to keep it from draining into the adjoining landowner’s property.
Commissioner Griffith discussed the weeds at the building. She would like to see them all removed, even if heavy duty landscaping is installed Mr. Holmes said he would put down a bentonite plastic and place the rip rap over it. That should eliminate the weed problem and make it look much nicer. He also thought the generator would be installed this week.
Commissioner Griffith moved to approve the landscaping for the public health building and the installation of rip rap. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.
Mr. Holmes gave an update on the fire panel. He said Rapid Fire will mount the new fire panel, mount the monitors, and hook up everything from the old panel to the new panel. Wyatt Electrical will come in and wire everything. There will be a brief time when there won’t be any fire protection at the fairgrounds.
Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes from the September 5, 2023, meeting, and receipts for August from the Clerk of Court for $5,385.00, and from the Sheriff for $1,265.00.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
Patrick Wade, Chairman
Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk
Public Notice No. 5995. Published in The Lusk Herald on October 18, 2023