Public Notice No 6016


The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on November 21, 2023, at 9:06 a.m. by Chairman Patrick H. Wade. Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman were present. Members of the audience included Brandie Collins with the Lusk Herald, and Undersheriff Kelly Dean. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Road and Bridge- Foreman Thomas reported on road and bridge business. He discussed a road crossing permit submitted by Hadley Jackson Energy, LLC. The company wants to cross a portion of Old Hwy 85 to lay and construct a 12” sleeve for electric and oil well flow lines and they will trench the road. He said this appeared to be in order.

Mr. Thomas discussed road conditions on Divide and N. Mahnke Roads due to heavy oil field truck traffic.

He discussed equipment and noted the V-Plow arrived last week and the blade should be here by December 15.

County Attorney- Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business. She updated everyone on the last juvenile justice program meeting and said that Lacey Jo March, the Youth Alternatives Coordinator has completed some training and is ready for referrals. She must complete training on behavioral and mental health issues before she can receive referrals for that area.

Ms. Wasserburger said Ms. March would like to use some kind of program that has the youth involved in the community, not sitting in front of a computer all the time. She also said that parental involvement and buy-in is imperative to make this program successful.

Lastly, Ms. Wasserburger said there were changes that needed to be made to the Rapid Fire Protection Annual Inspection Contract before it could be signed.

Old Business- Commissioner Griffith discussed the old jail and said that she had been contacted by Leslie Stewart, who is a representative on the Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resource Commission, inquiring about grant funding for the old jail. Ms. Stuart will reach out to grant administrators to try and find available funding. Ms. Stuart also wanted to ensure everyone knew about the upcoming 250-year celebration of our nation in 2026. It was noted that The Rawhide Buttes sign south of town has been gone for a while and the State wants to install a new historical sign, but they would like some financial assistance if possible.

Road Crossing Permit- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the road crossing permit for Hadley Jackson Energy, LLC. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

Homeland Security Grant- Commissioner Griffith moved to sign the grant agreement with the Office of Homeland Security for a courthouse emergency backup generator for $104,000.00. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

Predator Board Appointment- Upon the recommendation of the Predator Board, Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to appoint Gary Bayne to the At-Large position on the Predator Board. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to appoint Terry Allbright to the Sportsman’s position on the Predator Board. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

Cleaning of Public Health Building- Commissioner Griffith said inquiries were made about who would clean the public health building. The current cleaning contract does not provide for the public health building. Commissioner Griffith will discuss the matter further with the public health nurse.

Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the November 7, 2023, meeting.

Fair Board- Tandy Dockery, Ron Nelson, and Ty Molzahn met with the Commissioners to discuss fairground construction projects.

The first topic to be discussed was the fire alarm system annual maintenance with Rapid Fire Protection. The Commissioners asked if the annual cost of approximately $2,500.00 was a cost the fair board could pay. The fair board felt they could but will take the matter to the fair board for official action.

The group also discussed the installation of the fire alarm panels and associated costs.

            There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

                                                            NIOBRARA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

                                                            Patrick Wade, Chairman

Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk

Public Notice No. 6016. Published in The Lusk Herald on December 13, 2023.