Public Notice No. 5876


Public Notice  

The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on December 20, 2022 at 10:02 a.m. with Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman present. Members of the audience included Judy Lucas with The Lusk Herald, and Sheriff Randy Starkey.
    2023 Road Rehabilitation Project Bid Opening- Foreman Fred Thomas, BenchMark of Torrington Engineer Josh Harkins, and contractors representing Pine Bluffs Gravel and Excavating, Timberline Services, Inc., and Ramshorn Construction were in attendance to open and review bids for the 2023 Road Rehabilitation Project on the Cheyenne River Road. There were four bids received for Bid Schedule B- using owner supplied gravel-with the highest bid being $485,263.00 from Ramshorn Construction and the lowest being $249,688.92 from Pine Bluffs Gravel and Excavating. There was one bid received for Bid Schedule A- using contractor supplied gravel- for $502,460.00 from Ramshorn Construction. Mr. Harkins will review the bids and verify figures, then report back to the Commissioners.
    Foreman Thomas advised of an incident which occurred on Kirtley Road involving a county blade and an individual’s vehicle. Insurance has been notified.
    Old Business- There was no news regarding the state easements.  
    Clerk Freeman advised the Commissioners that the second round of the American Rescue Plan funds were received.
    Old Jail- Chairman Wade said he had visited with Greg Starck and asked him if he could write a request for proposal for the old jail for hazardous material remediation.
    Snow Removal- The Commissioners noted that Mike Mayville has done a good job with the snow removal at the courthouse, library, and justice center.
    Community Services Juvenile Grant Program- Commissioner Griffith said the grant had been approved and the board will meet in January to determine its next steps.
    Public Health Nurse Building Remodel Bid Openings- There were no bids received for the project.
     The Commissioners received an offer from Greg and Janette Starck to sell their snow blower to the county. After some discussion, the Commissioners chose not to purchase the snow blower at this time.

    Ratify 24- Hour Catering Permit- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to ratify a 24-Hour Catering Permit for The Lusk Liquor Store to sell alcoholic beverages for the Niobrara County School District Retention Program on December 17, 2022, at the Niobrara County Fairgrounds. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.
    Josh Harkins, with BenchMark, returned to the meeting and said that after evaluating all bids, he determined that Pine Bluffs Gravel and Excavating was the apparent low bidder and recommended that they be awarded the bid.
    2023 Road Rehabilitation Project Bid Award- Commissioner Griffith moved to award the 2023 Road Rehabilitation Project to Pine Bluffs Gravel and Excavating for $249,688.92. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.
    County Attorney- Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business. She reviewed the Memorandum of Understanding between the BLM and Niobrara County and the Homeland Security Grant, and said they were ready to approve.   
     Homeland Security Grant- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve Homeland Security Grant 22-SHSP-NIO-MU-PST for $5,055.05. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.
    The Commissioners extended their thanks and appreciation to Sheriff Randy Starkey for all his hard work doing various tasks and covering necessary positions at the sheriff’s office.
    Law Enforcement Vacation Carry Over- The Commissioners received a request from Sheriff Starkey to allow employees at the Sheriff’s Office to extend the use of their vacation carry over to June 30, 2023. He stated that they have been unable to use their time as departments have been short staffed and he did not feel they should be penalized because they worked to make sure there was coverage.  Commissioner Griffith moved to allow employees at the Sheriff’s Office to extend the use of their vacation to June 30, 2023. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.
    The Commissioners attended a phone conference regarding the upcoming congressional tour.
    Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the December 6, 2022, meeting, a tax roll supplement from PGC, LLC. for the 2022 Tax Year for $6,639.87, and receipts from the Sheriff for November for $365.50.
     The Commissioners held a phone conference with Lisa Shaw of the Niobrara Conservation District to discuss BLM Grazing allotments.
    Memorandum of Understanding between Niobrara County and the BLM- Commissioner Griffith moved to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the BLM and Niobrara County.  Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.  This MOU establishes Niobrara County as a Cooperating Agency with the BLM for the purpose of cooperating in conducting an environmental analysis and preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to disclose the potential effects of updating the Federal regulations for grazing, exclusive of Alaska.  
    There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.
                            NIOBRARA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
                            Patrick Wade, Chairman

Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk
Public Notice No. 5876. Published in The Lusk Herald on January 11, 2023.