I have often said that there is a special place in hell for those who pursue policies that are intended to increase the price of food, energy, and housing.
I think I always found shrimp intimidating because it was always “fancy” food when I was growing up and through much of my adult life. Not to mention, growing up in Wyoming in the 80’s and 90’s shrimp was invariably always frozen and breaded to begin with then deep fried….and it just wasn’t my thing.
It was the sound of music to my ears when I heard a rider mower cruising up and down the alley behind my home on Saturday morning.
I've been bought and sold on the "Dark Web". For the second time in my adult life I received a phone call stating I was being taken to court for a debt owed from over 10 years ago.
We are pretty serious about snacks around the Goddard house. Between the four kids that are always hungry, trips back and forth to the ranch and to visit family and a homeschool schedule it is important to me to have healthy, easy snacks available for the kids to make good choices.
I love using salad dressings to help me produce big flavor with little time and a budget. My current favorite is a certain chain restaurant creamy Italian dressing. I can usually find it on almost any grocery store shelf but I buy the large bottles from a bulk store since my family goes through so much of it. Any bottle of your favorite Italian dressing from creamy to zesty will work for these recipes though. You can also make your own, and I have included my favorite homemade recipe as well.
The morning of June 6 dawned much clearer that the previous day, which was predicted to be cloudy and windy. The young man, known by friends and family as Bill, checked his gear including his jump bag and boots, sat nervously, listening to the chatter of his friends and many he didn't know.
I have written before about how canned meat gets a bad reputation. Other than tuna salad sandwiches, deviled ham sandwiches and tuna noodle casserole many don’t understand the convenience and versatility that canned meats (chicken, salmon, tuna, beef) can give them.
In life, marriage and raising kids you want to surround yourself with people who cheer for you, lift you up and watch your back. This is sound advice and in the last few weeks (not for the first time) my family has been so incredibly grateful for the community that has done just this for us.
Well, most food bloggers, columnists and magazines are focusing on lighter fair for spring….but not this writer.
4.5 News & Views
Technical trade skills. They are not in competition with the agricultural sector. Quite the opposite – they complement each other, especially in rural Wyoming.
Well, it was a close one this week folks, we almost didn’t have any news to print!
As most of you know grocery prices continue to rise and I keep trying find ways to stretch our food budget. In December my husband bought me a new bread machine. I don’t mind making bread the regular way but we don’t yet have a functional oven at our new house and the bread machine made it so I could make fresh bread without a lot of hands-on time. I find myself packing the machine back and forth from the ranch to town because we just love fresh bread that much! As a note, I do not use bread machine yeast, I don’t like keeping three different kinds of yeast in my fridge so I just use instant yeast for every recipe. The different types will yield different results to if you don’t have instant you will need to adjust your quantity for whatever you have on hand. I hope you enjoy these recipes.
3.15 News and Views
As grocery prices continue to rise and our family adapts to the addition of a new little one I find myself turning back to several recipes that are make-ahead, full of protein and fit the bill for breakfast or snacks. These have to be low in sugar, high in protein, and cheap to make relative to the number of servings I get. These recipes also tend to freeze well so I can freeze individual portions to pull out and eat when we need something quick.
Variety is sometimes called the spice of life and again we can talk about the weather. It has been wind-free and pleasant some days and down right bitterly cold the next day or so. We were warned this winter would be unusually harsh and this time they got it right. Now, I promise to not mention the weather again.
Several bills remained stuck in the Speaker of the House’s drawer last week. Tuesday, Feb. 14 was the 25th day of the 2023 legislative session.