Public Notice
November 8, 2018
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on this date at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Richard A. Ladwig, Commissioners Patrick H. Wade, John Midkiff and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, present.
Road and Bridge- Fred Thomas, Road and Bridge Foreman, met with the Commissioners to discuss road and bridge business.
The group discussed plans for the 2018 Road Rehabilitation project, which will include Kirtley and Boner Roads.
The Commissioners then addressed concerns they had received regarding blade work being done on Kirtley and N. Van Tassell Roads.
County Attorney- Doyle J. Davies, Deputy County Attorney, met with the Commissioners and the group discussed the Niobrara County Services Prevention agreement between Sylvestri Customization, Niobrara County Prevention Coalition and Niobrara County. The contract will provide graphic design and social media services as it relates to the Niobrara County Prevention Coalition. There were some terms that needed amended and language added before this contract can be signed.
Executive Session- Mr. Wade moved to enter into executive session with Deputy Attorney Davies at 9:45 a.m. to discuss personnel matters. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Wade moved to reconvene the regular session at 9:55 a.m. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried. No action was taken.
BenchMark of Torrington- Brian Wakefield, engineer with BenchMark of Torrington, met with the Commissioners and Road and Bridge Foreman Fred Thomas to discuss the plans for the 2018 Road Rehabilitation project. The plan is to improve 3.5 miles of Kirtley Road and 2.5 miles on Boner Road. A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for November 28, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Room of the Courthouse and bids will be opened on December 4, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Room of the Courthouse.
Elected Officials & Dept. Heads- Dell Atkinson, Long Term Recovery Manager, Keri Thompson, Treasurer, and Doyle J. Davies, Deputy County Attorney, met with the Commissioners and discussed office operations and county business.
Mrs. Thompson and Mr. Davies addressed the $15,000.00 check that was received from Thunder Basin Resources and whether it should be dispersed between all the taxing entities or just applied to the General Fund. In the past, any royalties received have been dispersed amongst the entities and both Thompson and Davies believed that would be the correct way to continue with this payment. It was also noted that if the County starts receiving overriding royalty interests, they will be dispersed in the same manner.
Mrs. Thompson went on to discuss her office and said they are busy with tax collections.
Mr. Atkinson discussed an ENDOW meeting he attended as well as noting that he will be attending a broadband summit next week.
Mr. Atkinson also presented a letter he drafted to the EDA requesting an additional six month no-fee extension of the Long Term Recovery Grant. The original award period of the grant was December 30, 2016 - December 30, 2018, however, Mr. Atkinson was not hired until June 26, 2017, resulting in a loss of 6 months of the grant time. This request, if approved by the EDA, would extend the grant until June 30, 2019.
Shawn Leimser met briefly with the Commissioners and updated them on maintenance items.
Consent Agenda- Mr. Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the October 16, 2018 meeting and receipts for the month of October from the County Clerk for $4,213.25; from the Sheriff for $1,644.89; from the Clerk of Court for $686.71; and from the Public Health Nurse for $165.00.
Broadband Discussions – Chad Rupe, State Director, USDA Rural Development, Russ Elliott, Wyoming Business Council Broadband Manager, Chad Stovall, USDA Community Economic Development, Kirk Keyser (by phone) and representatives from Vista Beam Communications, met with the Commissioners to continue discussions on rural connectivity and broadband options for Niobrara County.
Ratify Johnson Control Contract- Mr. Wade moved to ratify the contract between Johnson Controls and Niobrara County for the purchase of an air conditioning unit for the Sheriff’s Department for a cost of $27,250.00. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
TruGreen Prepay Service Agreement- Mr. Wade moved to approve the prepayment of $612.00 for lawn services from TruGreen for the upcoming year. Mr. Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Long Term Recovery Manager Request for a No-Cost Extension- Mr. Midkiff moved to sign the request for a no-cost extension for the Local Disaster Recovery Manager Grant. Mr. Wade seconded, motion carried. Discussion: Mr. Midkiff asked if a different grant writer could be hired using funds from this grant and it was explained that this grant is specifically for the long term recovery manager.
Payroll and the following vouchers were approved for payment:
Vendor Amount Description
Allbright's True Value Hardware $659.28 Supplies, maintenance
Alsco $43.90 Shop towels & coveralls
ArcaSearch Corporation $5,907.00 Annual maintenance fee
Barnes Law, LLC. $540.00 Court appointed attorney
Becky Blackburn $40.27 Supplies
Becky L. Freeman $113.36 Mileage
Benzel Pest Control, Inc. $283.02 Pest control
Birch Communications $863.26 Telephone
Black Hills Chemical & Janitorial $1,230.74 Supplies
Black Hills Energy $799.08 Utilities
BlueTarp Financial, Inc. $39.99 Supplies
Body Builders Body Shop $963.03 Vehicle repairs
Brown Family Property Trust $45.00 Storage unit rental
Cally Lund $500.00 Office rent
Canon Financial Services $380.00 Copier service agreement