Public Notice
January 22, 2019
The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on this date at 9:00 a.m. in the Commissioners’ meeting room located at the County Courthouse with Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, present.
Road and Bridge - Fred Thomas, Road and Bridge Foreman, met with the Commissioners and updated them on road and bridge business.
Work on Wasserburger Road has been completed and the old material from the Brown Pit has been used.
The Commissioners inquired about the status of the Industrial Road Program and whether or not Fred has had a chance to gather any information for potential road projects and he said he had not. The group then discussed County Road Fund projects and if Fred had a priority list. Fred said it would be good to have Hat Creek Road on that list.
He was also asked if he has heard anything from Lowell Fleenor, WYDOT District Engineer regarding the left over millings from state road projects that the county had requested. Fred said he has not heard anything.
Commissioner Wade noted that landowner Alyce Carter had emailed him and extended her appreciation for the gravel that had been placed on Hat Creek Road.
The Commissioners acknowledged receipt of a letter from the Wyoming Department of Revenue regarding 2019 Property Tax Appraiser Certifications. The letter stated that Assessor Teri Stephens has achieved permanent certification for 2019.
Wyoming Water Association- The Commissioners received an application for membership to the Wyoming Water Association. They declined to sign up due to the cost and apparent lack of benefit to the county.
Chrisanna Lund, Clerk of District Court met with the Commissioners and discussed the Bank of the West account for her office. She noted that in order for her to sign as a signature element for the Bank of the West account, the minutes would need to reflect approval from the Commissioners for her to do so. Based on this information, it was moved by Commissioner Midkiff and seconded by Commissioner Griffith to authorize Chrisanna Lund, Clerk of District Court, to sign as a signature element for the Bank of the West account. Motion Carried.
Designation of Depository for Public Funds- It was moved by Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Midkiff to approve the designation of depository of public funds as Lusk State Bank. Motion carried.
Jessica Cisneros-Yeager, Deputy Detention Officer and Anne Wasserburger, County Attorney, met with the Commissioners and presented information they received regarding health insurance for county employees and elected officials. Tenille Henry and Teri Stephens joined the meeting.
Anne said that in order to get any kind of a quote from the company offering insurance, there must be a commitment from the County that, in the event of obtaining health insurance, they would pay $500 per employee per month.
After further discussion, it was moved by Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Midkiff, to authorize Attorney Wasserburger to inform the insurance company that the County will commit to pay $500 for each full time employee and elected official per month to get the quote, however, it is not an obligation of county funds at this time. Motion carried.
County Attorney- Attorney Wasserburger remained after the insurance meeting to discuss county business with the Commissioners. She had received and reviewed two contracts and did not have any issue with either one.
She then updated them on upcoming jury trials and noted that they could last two to three days and there will be some expenses involved.
The group also discussed the files that appear to have been deleted from the Clerk of Court’s computer. She also said that there were no child support issues which arose relating to the checks found in a desk drawer in the Clerk of Court’s office.
Amendment One to the WDOH Contract – It was moved by Commissioner Griffith and seconded by Commissioner Midkiff to sign the Amendment #1 to the contract between the Wyoming Department of Health, Public Health Division, Niobrara County Health Officer and Niobrara County. Motion carried. The purpose of the amendment is to change the funding source from federal funds under CFDA #93.069 to Trust and Agency Funds, Account #6201.
Mutual Aid Agreement between Niobrara and Converse County Sheriff’s Departments- Although the County Attorney found no issues with this agreement, it was never formally presented to the Commissioners for review and approval, therefore it has been laid back until the next meeting.
Consent Agenda- It was moved by Commissioner Midkiff and seconded by Commissioner Griffith to approve the consent agenda. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the January 8, 2019 meeting. Motion carried.
There being no further business, Chairman Wade adjourned the meeting at 3:36 p.m.
Patrick H. Wade, Chairman
Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk
Public Notice No. 5205. Published in The Lusk Herald on February 13, 2019