The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on this date at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chair John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, present.
Chairman Wade led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Road and Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas met with the Commissioners to discuss road and bridge business.
Mr. Thomas asked the Commissioners if they wanted to add 1.1 miles of road improvements for the existing 2019 Road Rehabilitation Project. He estimated it would cost approximately $94,000. He said there were no culverts or auto gates that would need to be installed.
Commissioner Griffith moved to add 1.1 miles of road to the 2019 Road Rehabilitation Project- Cheyenne River Road and direct BenchMark of Torrington to draft a change order to that effect. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, motion carried.
Mr. Thomas said that BenchMark of Torrington is still working on the post-construction road reports for Indian Creek and Cheyenne River Road projects from the ‘90s.
Chairman Wade asked about the status of the Ruffing Pit. Mr. Thomas said that Timberline Services, Inc. is waiting on the pit owners to sign the contract. Once that is signed, Timberline should be able to get in there and have things set up within 30 days to begin crushing.
Kurt Gaukel joined the meeting.
James Santistevan, Emergency Management Coordinator, stopped in and visited briefly with the Commissioners about Homeland Security Grants for the fairgrounds.
Denise Smith and Erin Smith, with the extension office, met with the Commissioners and updated them on the grant for the fairgrounds. They told the Commissioners that it was essential to have a representation of Niobrara County stakeholders attend the Wyoming Business Council meeting on March 5th in Greybull, at which time this grant will be reviewed and discussed.
They went on to discuss other grant options that could be utilized to offset costs for rewiring.
Mrs. Smith also mentioned that they are applying for two national awards for the S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Fridays (f/k/a 4-H Fridays) and they are requesting a letter of support from the Commissioners. Commissioner Griffith said she would draft a letter for approval at the next meeting.
County Attorney- County Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business. Jim Jordan, the owner of Jordan Towing and Mike Smith and Sheldon Poage with Jordan Towing, joined the meeting to address the towing issue in Niobrara County.
The group discussed the situations which brought about the Commissioners’ decision to use out of county towing companies, especially when vehicles to be impounded due to criminal investigations are involved. Attorney Wasserburger stood firm in her assertions that Niobrara County would not take responsibility to pay for the tow of a vehicle in a criminal investigation. After much discussion, it appears that Mr. Jordan and Niobrara County reached an understanding that the County will not pay for the tow in the above scenarios.
Attorney Wasserburger informed the Commissioners that there was a slight change to the Tri-County Joint Powers Board Agreement. She said there was a statute that was incorrectly cited. She told them that as of March 1st, the County Attorney’s Office would be moving to 112 East Main St.
Prevention Grant Update- Kerry Steward, Community Prevention Specialist, and Dr. Melanie Pearce, Regional Supervisor, Public Health Nursing, met with the Commissioners and discussed the Prevention Grant program. Mrs. Steward said she had been in contact with School Resource Officer Tyler Stream regarding a diversion grant program for the school. She said there would be someone working with him on writing the grant and that she thought it would be comprised of three different programs and overseen by one person.