Public Notice No. 5984




SEPTEMBER 5, 2023, 5:00 P.M.

The Town Council of the Town of Lusk met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall on Tuesday, September 5, 2023.

Council Members Present:     Mayor Doug Lytle, Council Members Dean Nelson, Tom Dooper, Chantry Filener, Ron Pfister

Also Present: Attorney Dennis Meier, Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer, Todd Skrukrud, Director of Public Works, Chief Bo Krein, Linda Frye, Grant Manager, Taylor Willis, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Sheila Youngquist, Utility Billing Clerk, Trevor Barner, Golf Course Superintendent, Joyce Hammer, Swimming Pool Manager, Mike Mayville, EMS Director, Sgt. Jacob Gordon, Doug Jergensen, Animal Control

Chief Krein led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.

MAYOR LYTLE called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.

COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER NELSON, to approve a consent agenda for item numbers three (3) through six (6). MOTION CARRIED.


14 County Tire            Vehicle Repairs          $201.54

AFLAC           Payroll Deduction       $762.74

Allbright’s True Value           Supplies          $1,729.60

ALSCO/American Linen        Mat Rental      $215.26

APT US&C     Membership Renewal Matthews        $159.00

Aquaflow Int’l, Inc.    Water Metering System          $1,598.00

ARS Flood & Fire Cleanup    Transfer Station Fire Cleanup $34,851.97

BankCard Center 2477           Parts & Supplies         $702.65

BankCard Center 3814           Parts/Supplies/Equipment/Subscription/

Postage            $2,212.67

BankCard Center 4389           Parts/Supplies $138.39

BankCard Center 7939           PD Parts/Supplies/Equipment/Training/ Postage/Subscriptions/Fuel/K-9    $2,700.15

Benzel Pest Control, Inc.        Spraying Hahn Cabin $190.96

Black Hills Energy     Gas Service     $1,546.79

Body Builders Body Shop      Golf Course Vehicle Repair   $334.83

Boldon Diesel Services, LLC Garbage Truck Repair $210.22

Boldon Welding & Repair LLC         Equipment Repair/Parts/Supplies       $2,173.22

Border State Industries Inc.    Electric Line Upgrade $4,656.72

Caselle Inc.     Office Support & Maintenance          $1,233.00

Century Link   Phone Services           $959.64

CMIT Solutions of WYCenter           PD Firewall/Services  $130.00

Connecting Point        Copier Lease   $650.99

Doyle J. Davies           Municipal Judge         $1,000.00

Decker’s Food Center Supplies          $165.82

Delta Dental    Employee Dental Insurance   $974.35

Double Y        Parts/Supplies $165.90

Douglas Embroidery   Electric Dept Uniforms          $284.85

Emergency Medical Products Inc      Ambulance Supplies   $2,240.60

Energy Laboratories INC.      Water Samples            $566.00

Fairbanks Scales, Inc  Scale Maintenance      $1,560.00

Fink, Jeremiah Reimburse PD Postage           $10.65

First Net          PD Phones/New Equipment   $444.95

Franks Parts Company            Parts/Supplies/Repairs            $1,817.65

Gas Fire Services        Vehicle Repairs          $49.98

Grainger          Shop Maintenance      $224.31

Great American Financial Services    Copier Lease   $100.00

Hannah’s Golf Cars LLC       Golf Course Equip Repair      $3,417.34

Hawkins, Inc   Chemicals       $109.56

HDR, Inc        Consultant Fees          $5,149.93

Herren Bros. True Value        Parts/Supplies $18.30

Hometown Country    Sanitation Uniforms   $399.00

Ideal Linen/Bluffs       Shop Parts/Supplies    $281.35

Interstate Batteries      Sanitation Equipment Repairs            $107.95

Jensen, Alexandra       Utility Deposit Refund           $79.34

Jergenson, Doug         Monthly Wage Animal Control          $1,400.00

Jirdon Agri Chemicals            Golf Course Fertilizer/Chemicals       $4,825.46

Lawson Products, Inc. Shop Tools/Supplies   $273.73

LeLeux Enterpirse, LLC        Monthly Wage Pro Shop        $2,600.00

Lexipol            PD Wellness App/Training    $1,690.25

Lumen Phone, Long Distance $25.54

Lusk Herald    Legal Advertising/Advertising           $2,539.66

Lusk Lodging Tax Board       Tax Distribution         $8,845.81

M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc           Airport Improvement Project $10,472.00

Matheson Tri-Gas Inc.            Ambulance Oxygen    $98.12

Meier Building           Rent    $800.00

Meier Law Office       Monthly Retainer        $3,000.00

Harberts, Mike            IT Services      $2,375.00

Newman Traffic Signs            Signs   $195.88

Nio. County Weed & Pest      Street Chemicals         $60.00

Niobrara Chamber of Commerce       Promotion       $187.50

Niobrara County Library        Internet Service          $250.00

Niobrara County Treasurer     Communications Contract      $6,301.50

Niobrara Electric Association Utilities           $49.96

Northwest Pip Fittings of Rapid City Water Parts/Supplies  $233.68

One-Call of Wyoming            Dig Tickets     $21.75

Peaks & Prairies GCSA          Golf Course Annual Membership/Dues         $140.00

Port-A-Pots By TDS, Inc        Transfer Station Equip Repair            $702.04

QTPod Airport New Equipment         $332.17

Radar Shop, The         PD Recert Radios       $113.50

Ranchers Feed & Supply        Animal Control/Golf Course Supplies           $117.91

Serres, Sandra & McCart, Jerry         Utility Deposit Refund           $26.02

Sinclair, Pine Bluffs   Golf Course/Airport Fuel       $6,487.50

Stella-Jones Corporation        Electric Poles  $14,530.00

Stinker Stores Inc       Fuel     $5,942.03

Summit Fire & Security         Transfer Station Extinguisher $593.00

TDS Trash Collection Tipping Fees Transfer Station $4,914.02

Tollman, Rhonda        Reimburse Postage     $34.40

Torrington Office Supplies     Supplies          $161.68

Turbo Diesel Service, Inc       Golf Course Equip Repair      $290.15

Underground Enterprises        Transfer Station Fees  $2,100.00

Visionary Communications Inc.         Internet Service          $541.31

W.M.P.A.        Power Purchase          $115,592.89

WAMCAT      Membership Dues       $225.00

Western Medical Management           Ambulance Billing Fees         $1,774.68

WY Dept of Revenue Uniform Assessment  $177.03

WY Dept. of Workforce Services      Worker’s Compensation         $2,324.40

WY Educators Benefit Trust  Employee Insurance   $32,153.00

Wyoming Machinery Corp     Street Equip Repair    $2,625.91

WY Retirement System          Government Contribution       $16,559.77

Total Vouchers                       $331,230.42

MANUAL CHECKS - August 2023 

Gordon, Jacob   Per Diem/K-9 Training         $           914.50

K-9 Working Dogs International LLC    New K-9 Training and pickup        $      14,682.32

Circuit Court of Niobrara County      Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           911.56

Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial        Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           348.56

Wyoming Child Support        Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           207.69

Wyoming Child Support        Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           160.61

Wyoming Dept of Revenue    Wyoming Sales Tax   $        5,332.33

Postmaster      Utility Mailings          $           323.20

AVI PC Engineering  Engineering Fees        $      55,916.40

Oftedal Construction, Inc       Contractor Payment    $    838,983.64

Wyoming Dept of Transportation      Airport Fuel License Renewal            $             25.00

WY First Aid & Safety Supply          First Aid Supplies       $           804.01

Circuit Court of Niobrara County      Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           871.26

Clerk of District Court, Second Judicial        Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           348.56

Wyoming Child Support        Writ of Wages, Garnishment  $           368.30

Total    $ 920,197.94


Jim Hollon approached the council providing a map in preparation for a request in a zoning change for lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 south of the hospital between Mayes & Ballancee. They are currently limited residential and would like it changed to general residential to broaden the market and provide an opportunity for those moving to Lusk to make an investment. He will be requesting another two lots which are east of Ballancee, north of parcel D that will be brought to the assessor for a legal description, giving him six lots in total. He stated that a party recently purchased a location near the hospital to build a clinic. There was discussion on the location as well as clinics in limited residential zoning. The council is the zoning board and there is a process that will have to be followed for a change. Mr. Hollon thanked the council for their time and was happy to answer any questions and looks forward to working with them.

Department Updates

Updates were given by Trevor Barner, Linda Frye, Mike Mayville, Joyce Hammer, Chief Krein, Desi LeLeux and Todd Skrukrud. Sgt Jacob Gordon introduced K-9 Xana and answered questions.

Old Business:

COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, to approve Ordinance No. 11-20-740, An Ordinance Amending Existing Ordinance 11-20-740 at Paragraph (G) to Change the Automatic Annual Rate Increase for Water from Two Percent (2%) to Five Percent (5%), on third reading. Mayor Lytle clarified that the purpose of the increase was because of our debt-to-income ratio to keep qualifying for loans for the infrastructure project. MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, TO approve Ordinance No. 11-15-410, An Ordinance Amending Existing Ordinance 11-15-410 at Paragraph (5) to Change the Automatic Annual Rate Increase for Sewer from Two Percent (2%) to Five Percent (5%), on third reading. MOTION CARRIED.

New Business:

Livestock permit renewal for Carrie Olson was tabled.


Two proposals were received for interim financing for Phase 2 Sewer: Lusk State Bank and CoBank. LeLeux explained that to use the USDA funds obligated for sewer in the amount of $747,000 we must go through interim financing, anything over $500,000. COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve the proposal from Lusk State Bank with a fixed rate of 3.45% with no fees or penalties. COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER NELSON, to approve moving the credit cards from Bank of the West to Banner Capital and allow the mayor to apply. COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER ABSTAINED. MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER NELSON MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, to approve Resolution No. 23-23, a Resolution Authorizing a Change in Signatory for Bank Accounts and Credit Cards. MOTION CARRIED.


Ordinances 8-15-120, 8-15-130, and 8-15-150 were tabled to give the council time to research the ordinances.

COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, to move into executive session for contract and personnel at 6:03p.m. MOTION CARRIED.

The council reconvened into regular session at 6:49p.m.

COUNCIL MEMBER NELSON MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER, to approve Chief Krein to negotiate a contract for the use of the state fueling site and authorize the mayor to sign the contract. MOTION CARRIED.

COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER, to approve the animal control contract as amended with the increase of wage and sovereign immunity. MOTION CARRIED.

The council thanked Chief Krein and accepted his resignation. The mayor requested to appoint Sgt. Jacob Gordon as interim chief. COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER NELSON, to approve the mayor’s request. MOTION CARRIED.

The next regular Council meeting will be Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.

There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 6:53 p.m.

Douglas E. Lytle, Mayor


Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 5984. Published in The Lusk Herald on September 13, 2023.