September 3, 2024, 5:00 P.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Lusk met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall on Tuesday, September 3, 2024.
Council Members Present: Mayor Pro Tempore Tom Dooper, Council Members Chantry Filener, Ron Pfister, and Justin Bo Krein
Absent Members: Mayor Douglas Lytle
Also Present: Attorney Dennis Meier; Todd Skrukrud, Public Works Director; Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer; Jacob Gordon, Police Chief; Taylor Willis, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer; Trevor Barner, Golf Course Superintendent; Mike Mayville, EMS Director; Doug Jergensen, Animal Control; Bruce Perryman and Dave Bumann, AVI Engineering; Dale Canepa, Oftedal Construction; Brandie Collins, Lusk Herald.
Desirae LeLeux led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
MAYOR PRO TEM DOOPER called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER KREIN, to approve a consent agenda for item numbers three (3) through six (6). Items on consent agenda: Agenda, Bills, Payroll, Treasurers report, Minutes. MOTION CARRIED.
14 County Tire- Street Vehicle Repair $25.01, Aflac- Payroll Deduction $848.20, AG Flyers- Mosquito Spraying $5,000.40, Allbright’s True Value- Supplies $1,692.49, ALSCO- Mat Rental $96.90, APT US &C- Membership Renewal $259.00, Aquaflow Int'l, Inc- Yearly Maintenance and Software $1,598.00, AT&T Mobility- PD Phones/Tablets $445.75, Bartschi, Felicia- Utility Deposit Refund $35.79, Bauerkemper's Inc- Cemetery Equip Repair $89.06, Benzel Pest Control, Inc- Spraying Hahn Cabin $190.96, Border State Industries Inc.- Electric Parts/Supplies/Line Upgrade $1,411.64, Caselle Inc.- Office Support & Maintenance $1,360.00, Century Link- Phone Services $1,214.25, CNA Surety- Insurance Bond $350.00, Connecting Point- Copier Lease/Fees $650.99, Doyle J. Davies- Municipal Judge/Bond $1,000.00, Decker’s Food Center- Supplies $370.47, Dell Marketing L.P.- Ambulance/PD Cyber Security $19,595.86, Delta Dental- Employee Dental Insurance $1,021.50, Ferguson Waterworks #1116- Water parts/Supplies $6,330.00, Fisher Roofing & Restoration- General Building Upkeep $27,641.00, Franks Parts Company- Parts/Supplies/Repairs/Fuel/Oil $1,932.91, Great American Financial Services- Copier Lease $100.00, Harberts, Michael- IT Services $980.00, Herren Bros. True Value- Golf Course New Equip $48.15, Ideal Linen/Bluffs- Parts/Supplies $592.20, IRBY- Electric Parts/Supplies $1,567.50, Jergenson, Doug- Monthly Wage Animal Controls/Supply Reimbursement $1,565.00, K-9 Working Dogs International LLC- K-9 Training $3,295.00, LeLeux Enterprise, LLC- Golf Course Pro Shop $3,000.00, Lumen- Phone, Long Distance $21.77, Lusk Herald- Legal Advertising/Advertising $1,219.76, Lusk Lodging Tax Board- Tax Distribution $8,679.01, M.C. Schaff & Associates, Inc- Airport Flyers $250.00, Matheson Tri-Gas Inc- Ambulance Supplies $55.73, Meier Building- Rent $800.00, Meier Law Office- Monthly Retainer $3,000.00, Midkiff Water Well Service- Golf Course Repairs $2,048.38, Newman Traffic Signs- Street Signs $456.88, Niobrara Chamber of Commerce- Promotion $187.50, Niobrara County Library- Internet Service $250.00, Niobrara County Treasurer- Communication Contract $6,301.50, Niobrara Electric Association- Utilities $48.89, Normont Equipment Company- Cemetery/Parks Parts/Supplies $279.28, Northwest Pipe Fittings, Scottsbluff- Parks Irrigation Repairs $119.80, One-Call of Wyoming- Dig Tickets $32.25, Prestige Flag- Golf Course Parts/Supplies $202.74, Ranchers Feed and Supply- Parts/Supplies $272.23, Sinclair, Pine Bluffs- Airport Fuel $5,226.00, Stotz Equipment- Golf Course Equip Repair $1,417.00, Stryker Sales, LLC- PD New Equip $900.00, TDS Trash Collection Serv.- Tipping Fees $4,561.59, Terex USA, LLC- Electric Equip Repair $619.55, Timber Line Electric & Control- Water Maintenance/Repairs $1,895.00, Tollman, Rhonda- Notary Renewal Reimbursement $271.95, Torrington Office Supplies- Supplies $2.89, Underground Enterprises- Transfer Station Fees $2,625.00, USA Blue Book- Water Supplies $317.95, Visa 0681- Subscriptions/Supplies/ New Equip/ Training $3,344.05, Visa 0707- Uniforms/K-9/Supplies/ Subscriptions/ Postage/ Fees $187.40, Visa 0715- Ambulance Emergency Coverage $850.00, Visionary Broadband- Internet Service $562.80, W.M.P.A.- Power Purchase $114,854.40, West, Brett- Utility Overpayment Reimbursement $38.91, Western Medical Management- Ambulance Billing Fees $1,047.32, WY Dept of Revenue- Uniform Assessment $183.00, WY Dept of Transportation- Fuel Purchase/ Airport Project $3,132.27, WY Dept. of Workforce Services- Worker’s Compensation $2,374.24, WY Educators Benefit Trust- Employee Insurance $32,743.00, WY Secretary of State- Notary Renewal- LeLeux $60.00. Total Vouchers $285,748.07.
Manual Checks, August 2024
Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $372.02, Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $626.23, Wyoming Child Support- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $307.84, Lashmett, Justin- Cody Hotline School- Per Diem $414.00, AVI PC Engineering- Engineering Fees $65,578.84, Oftedal Construction, Inc- Contractor Payment $293,767.56, R&R Products Inc- Golf Course New Equip/Equip Repair $325.85, Century Link- Phone Service $118.35, Chevallier, Patricia- Ambulance Overpayment Refund $106.69, Norberg, Rory- Per Diem Water Samples $20.00, Postmaster- Utility Billings $353.66, United Healthcare Insurance- Ambulance Overpayment Refund $334.28, Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $353.99, Wyoming Child Support- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $307.84. Total $362,987.15.
ACH - August 2024
Lusk State Bank- Health Savings Account $6,125.07, Elevon- Office Credit Card Fees $334.74, Wyoming Retirement System- Government Contribution $17,102.89, Xpress Bill Pay- Online Bill Pay Fees $119.00, Verizon Wireless- Ambulance Phones $89.62, Deluxe Check Order-Deposit Books $149.40, Black Hills Energy- Shop Gas Utilities $44.53, Black Hills Energy- PD Gas Utilities $40.24, Black Hills Energy- Warehouse Gas Utilities $53.11, Black Hills Energy- Ambulance Gas Utilities $ 48.80. Total $24,107.40.
Stan Rutherford approached the council about an issue he has with the way the ordinance is written on “disturbing the peace” as it can be manipulated. He is asking for a possible change to the town’s ordinance. He said that he has not been issued a citation. Town attorney Meier stated that the ordinance follows State Statute and is subjective. The council asked that Rutherford work with law enforcement on the matter.
Tom Wasserburger, owner of the Best Western Motel, approached the council about concerns with the drainage at the back of his property. The council had before pictures of his property and Wasserburger provided them with pictures of after the construction, illustrating his concern. He stated that the street was raised during the construction project creating this drainage issue. The Town’s project Engineer Bruce Perryman provided the council and Wasserburger with engineering survey documents of the street showing that the street is at existing grade or slightly below and the project never touched the areas on his property that he is concerned about. There was discussion on the curb that was replaced, as well as Wasserburger draining his pool. It was suggested he put an extension on his hose to drain his pool in the streets curbline to help himself. Perryman said that he would be happy to discuss things further and come up with a resolution to the matter.
Ron Buckowski approached the council about his concern on paying garbage at his second property he just acquired because he doesn’t need that service on that property at this time. There was discussion about the garbage ordinance and the history behind this ordinance. Buckowski asked that the council consider changing the ordinance. The council will take it under advisement.
Department Updates:
Mike Mayville reported that they received the new AEDs and they will be training on them. The bid request for the new ambulance is moving forward and will be advertised soon. And he is working on other grants for the ambulance department.
Chief Jacob Gordon reported they had taser training, and he will be attending K-9 training.
Trevor Barner reported on recent tournaments and tournaments coming up as well as some course vandalism. They will be inspected by the state next week on their pesticide license. He asked for permission from the Pro Shop to have a 2-person 18-hole golf tournament on September 21st that will begin at 8:00am with closed course until early afternoon. He requested reduced green fees and would like the reduced amount to be used to replace the course layout sign located at hole #1. COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve the golf tournament on September 21st with closed course and reduced green fees of $15 and the remaining for the new sign. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
Desi LeLeux reported that they received a match donation for the new ambulance from the Muriel E. Spacht Trust in the amount of $100,000. Another donation of $8,800 from the Niobrara Medical Foundation was used to purchase new AEDs for the ambulance service. She reported that the meter deposit and perpetual care CDs were moved to new CDs at 5.15% for 12 months.
Todd Skrukrud reported that the airport was temporarily closed last week for seal coat and paining. Every three years EPA requires a sanitary survey, and they were here last week. The pool will close Sunday September 8th. They will begin painting the pool after it closes. Shipped out metal pile and received approximately $10,000. Will use that money to get rid of tires. Roof was completed on town hall. He is waiting on an estimate for the shop roof. He reported on the phase II project stating they will be wrapping up water services then asphalt patching. Phase III construction meeting today, they will kick off as soon as phase II is wrapped up.
Old Business:
COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, to approve the new livestock permit for Roger Spurgeon-hens, no roosters. MOTION CARRIED. 3-0
There was discussion on putting a sign at north side park addressing foul language and alcoholic beverages by permit only. Todd will work on getting a sign.
New Business:
COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER KREIN, to approve the livestock permit renewal for Dean Nelson - horses. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
COUNCIL MEMBER KREIN MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve the Charter Ordinance 1-1004 FY 2025 Amendment, on first reading. Budget increase $61,860.00. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
The council reconvened into regular session at 6:11 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBER KREIN MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve the SRO MOU with the county and school district for the 2024-2025 SY. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER KREIN, to approve an executive oversight committee for the Lodging Tax that consists of Tom Wasserburger, Sheila Boldon and Twila Barnett to help with the rehab and transition of the Lodging Board. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER, to approve the Animal Control Contract renewal with Doug Jergensen. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
The next regular council meeting will be Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 5:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 6:14 p.m.
Thomas Dooper, Mayor Pro Tempore
Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No. 6143. Published in The Lusk Herald on September18, 2024.