The Niobrara County Commissioners regular meeting held on Jan. 3 followed the standard order. Head of Road and Bridge Fred Thomas reports that Road and Bridge is handling things well and have gotten most roads cleared in the county.
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LUSK – The Niobrara County Commissioners regular meeting held on Jan. 3 followed the standard order. Head of Road and Bridge Fred Thomas reports that Road and Bridge is handling things well and have gotten most roads cleared in the county. Operators will be going back to do other roads so ranchers can get in to feed and move cattle. The bid for a new blade came in from Caterpillar at $358,380 with a trade in for the old blade at $68,500. The old blade has a little over 13,000 hours on it after 16 years. The bid from John Deere for a new blade was $291,600. After the trade in, Caterpillars final price would be $289,880 which makes the bids close together, so Thomas will be getting in touch with both companies for more information this week if possible. Thomas will be obtaining the mileage and years used from the other equipment so it gives the Commissioners an idea what might be in the future for equipment.
Thomas was asked to blade a road into a well that will be fracked in the next two weeks and Thomas told them to wait and let the trucks run on the road a bit and then it will be better to blade. The homeowner agreed. There are several new land owners from different states that are not prepared for the conditions in the county and have been calling to get their road bladed, as they have either gotten stuck going into the ranch or attempting to come to town. The city side-by-side was used this past weekend to get some people out that had tried to run the gates.
There was discussion about what are the options when people are out and get stuck. The blade drivers are putting themselves in jeopardy to go get them when there was no emergency. If there is a “No unnecessary travel” announcement, there should be an option that the county can take for those simply trying to run the gate. For those that need to get out to feed their livestock, there is an exemption as long as they let the dispatch office know.
In Old Business there was nothing new on the easements or the old jail. Under snow removal, everyone agreed that Mike is doing an outstanding job and the commissioners are well pleased.
Neil Holmes agreed to be the Project Manager on the Public Health building. He did a walk through with commissioner Griffith and said he would spearhead the teams to finish the building. He is charging $5,000. Griffith is hoping there will be different companies that will send representatives to do a walk through with Holmes and get things started. Darcy called in to the meeting to announce that she is trying to get additional funding for the Public Health Office. She also stated they have run out of COVID tests but they still have flu vaccines available.
The Sheriff’s office has a leak from the roof that will need to be fixed as when the ice thaws, it runs directly into the sheriff’s office. Sheriff Starkey said he would try to get in touch with Miller Construction since the problem is a design issue. The office itself is working well and Sheriff Starkey states he has a good working team.
The department heads gave their monthly updates on their areas with most of them not having any issues. Clerk of Court Lund is going to take the old Christmas decorations to Goodwill in Casper and the department will be getting new decorations.
The furnace at the fairgrounds went out during the cold spell but James Santistevan and Kelly Dean got ahold of the proper people and got it fixed the next day. The night it went out Santistevan had housed 24 people at the fairgrounds and they didn’t notice the furnace was not working until it was 40+ degrees inside. The travelers being housed were very thankful they were inside and safe even though they were cold. Becky Freeman and John Midkiff went out and helped Santistevan set up cots and get blankets for everyone. Then Freeman went and purchased food for the night and everyone was very helpful with the distribution. Santistevan will be looking into getting ready to eat meals that can be shelf stable and need a cup of water to heat and eat. He states he has eaten two and they are very edible. There were also three dogs and a lizard among the stranded travelers.
Santistevan is going to try and get all of his emergency supplies gathered into one area. At this time he has the greatest amount at the fairgrounds with about 40 more cots being stored in the Sheriff’s Office. There is also a box of toiletries stored at the Sheriff’s Department and some items stored at the Lutheran Church. He is trying to find a solution to get these items stored in one place, hopefully the fairgrounds.
The used blankets were taken to the Women’s Center to be washed and dried and were back to the fairgrounds by that afternoon. The Warden was very accommodating and was thanked graciously.
County Attorney Wasserburger didn’t have anything to report other than two trials in the next two months. She gave the Commissioners the draft of the agreement with Neil Holmes and made the agreement so that it can be used in the future with simply a name change and monetary differences.
Wasserburger was asked if she would draft a document authorizing the Sheriff’s Department to announce a No Unnecessary Travel with consequences.
Commissioners tabled the discussion of the notice of Project on Wy State Lands received from HDR Engineering regarding the Pronghorn Clean Hydrogen Center.
Under new business it was moved and seconded to appoint Pat Wade as Chairman. It was moved and seconded to appoint John Midkiff to Vice Chairman. Pat Wade was appointed as a voting member to the WCCA.
Commissioners approved Resolution 23-01 - Action supporting county custom, culture and heritage in decision making regarding federal lands in Niobrara County, Wyoming.
They also approved Resolution 23-02 - Action supporting county custom, culture and heritage in decision making regarding state or private lands in Niobrara County, Wyoming.
The final Resolution 23-03 - E911 Surcharge was approved as well.
Lusk State Bank was approved as the Designated Depository of Public Funds and the commissioners also approved the Authorization of Investments of Public Funds.
It was moved and seconded that Lee Hales to be Weed and Pest Director for Area 3 and Jim Wasserburger to be Weed and Pest Director for Area 5.Motion carried.
There were four people interested in the two Fair Board positions. The Fair Board sent the Commissioners their recommendations. The new terms will start next month and there will be a determination of choices at the next meeting.
The contract for a full service contract for two copiers was moved, seconded and signed.
The contract for Holmes Ranch Excavation as project coordinator for Public Health Nurse building remodel was reviewed and signed.
The consent agenda was read, reviewed and approved. The Niobrara County Commissioners regular meeting held on Jan. 3 followed the standard order. Head of Road and Bridge Fred Thomas reports that Road and Bridge is handling things well and have gotten most roads cleared in the county.