Public Notice No. 5986


The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order on September 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman Patrick H. Wade. Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman were present. Members of the audience included Undersheriff Kelly Dean.

Road & Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas met with the Commissioners and updated them on road and bridge business. He said that due to the recent rain, parts of 20 Mile Road will need to be reworked.

Mr. Thomas also addressed a water line issue in the fairgrounds arena. There is a leak and he thought it would be a good idea to ask Neil Holmes if he could repair the water line. 

A representative with DEQ and Mr. Thomas reviewed gravel pits for which the county has a permit.  The only problem reported was a lack of signage. 

The washout on Silver Springs Road has been repaired and the culvert replaced.

The Commissioners and Mr. Thomas discussed possible winter road projects.

County Attorney- County Attorney Anne Wasserburger discussed the proposal from Rapid Fire for the fire alarm panel at the fairgrounds. This proposal did not include any installation, just equipment. Additional electrical work will be needed.

Bid Opening for Justice Center Roof Project- Tim Schenk and Perry Gilbert of GSG Architecture met with the Commissioners to open bids for the Justice Center Roof Project. Jerry Miller was also in attendance. Sheriff Starkey called in. A bid was received from Big Horn Roofing for $211.450.00 plus unit price of thermal insulation per board. The paperwork appeared to be in order, but the engineers will review it before advising acceptance of the bid.

After reviewing the paperwork, the engineers presented a Notice of Intent to Award the bid to Big Horn Roofing, Inc. for the Commissioners to sign.

Commissioner Griffith moved to sign the Notice of Intent to Award with Big Horn Roofing, Inc. for the justice center re-roof project. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

Elected Officials and Dept. Heads- Darcey Cowardin, Public Health Nurse Supervisor attended by telephone and said the closing day for both positions for the public health nurse office assistant and public health response coordinator was today.  She has received three applications for the office position and one for PHRC position.

Regionally, she said our district has been rearranged as far as nursing supervisors.  Stephanie Lund is the new regional supervisor for our area. 

Public Health Nurse Michelle Kremers said she is holding a flu clinic at the Senior Center on October 5th from 9:00 a.m. to noon.

Emergency Management Coordinator James Santistevan said he is working on the THIRA plan and other related items.

He attended a pipeline class in Douglas last week. 

Treasurer Keri Thompson said tax notices went out with the exception of mineral taxes.  She said she has completed the true up process on the mineral taxes and those bill have been sent.  

She is also preparing documentation for the auditors. 

Clerk of Court Chrisanna Lund attended a training for the new case management program for her office.   

She said she closed the account at Bank of the West and the window replacement and wall repairs are done. 

 County Clerk Becky Freeman said it is business as usual in her office and noted that her new employee was working out very well.

Commissioner Griffith said work is continuing on the public health nurse building. The valley pan has been laid and has diverted the water as it should, but might need some adjusting.  

She also discussed the Community Juvenile Services Program.

Chairman Wade discussed the proposed BLM Resource Management Plan amendments.

He also addressed the draft planning and zoning manual and said the current land use plan needs updated before moving forward with the finalization of the zoning manual.

Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.  Items on the consent agenda were the minutes from the August 15, 2023 meeting, and receipts for August from the County Clerk for $3,801.50, and from the Public Health Nurse for $301.84.

Payroll and the following vouchers were approved for payment:

Bills are listed in the following format: Vendor- Department- Description- Amount- August Payroll- $128297.88, Aflac- Various- Supplemental insurance- $8726.12, 14 County Tire- Sheriff- Vehicle repairs- $25.00, Allbright’s True Value- Various- Supplies- $127.12, Alsco- Road & Bridge- Shop towels & coveralls- $371.05, Anne Wasserburger- County Attorney- Supplies- $255.44, Barbara Cushman- Sheriff- Schools- $65.00, Becky L. Freeman- County Clerk- Computer expense- $254.27, BenchMark of Torrington- County road fund- Engineering fees- $1616.89, Black Hills Chemical & Janitorial- Various- Cleaning supplies- $510.15, Black Hills Energy- Various- Utilities- $253.79, Body Builders Body Shop- Various- Vehicle repairs- $1542.72, Boldon Enterprises- Road & Bridge- Parts- $210.00, Boldon Welding & Repair, LLC.- Road & Bridge- Parts- $205.10, Budd-Falen Law Offices- Commissioners- Legal review of the draft planning & zoning manual- $9519.66, Canon Financial Services- Various- Copier service agreements- $380.00, CenturyLink- Various- Telephones- $2169.56, CenturyLink Business- Various- Telephones- $82.66, Chantry Filener- General County- IT expense- $244.25, Chrisanna Lund- Clerk of Court- Travel expenses- $193.88, CNA Surety- General County- Bonds & insurance- $200.00, Connecting Point Computer Centers- Various- Copier service agreements- $650.83, Cory Wilcox- Coroner- Deputy coroner stipend - $150.00, Dan Assman- Sheriff- Supplies- $7.77, Decker’s Market- Various- Supplies- $53.83, Delta Dental of WY- Various- Dental insurance- $1028.15, Dennis C. Meier- Circuit Court Magistrate- Office rent- $1000.00, Dept. of Health- Public Health- Quarterly reimbursement to the State for Co. share of public health nurse salary- $4668.59, Dept. of Workforce Services- General County- Unemployment Insurance- $149.00, Double A Properties, LLC.- Co. Attorney- Office rent- $1000.00, Equature- Dispatch- IT expense $3794.00,  Floyd’s Truck Center, Inc.- Road & Bridge- Parts- $32.78, Frank Parts Co.- Road & Bridge- Parts- $3291.52, Fusion Cloud Services, LLC.- Various, Telephone- $1101.40, Geographic Innovations- Various- Professional mapping- $1500.00, Goshen County Detention Center- Detention- Inmate housing & meds- $9535.71, GreatAmerica Financial Services- Various- Copier service agreements- $103.00, Great-West Trust Co., LLC.- Various- Deferred compensation contributions- $19755.00, GSG Architecture Design- Facilities- Justice Center Roof Replacement Project- $13038.04, Hiway Brake & Alignment- Various- Vehicle repairs- $776.80, Jameson Cleaning & Maintenance- Facilities- Fairgrounds cleaning contract - $7500.00, Jub Jub, Inc.- General county- IT expense- $30.00,  Katie Krein- Prevention Grant- Phone, IT expense, operational supports, svc. implementation- $113.14, Ken Brown- Clerk of Court- Court appointed attorney- $350.00, Lexipol- Various- Schools- $3581.00, Lusk Herald- General County- Publications- $4199.36, Lusk State Bank- Various- Payroll taxes- $38881.41, Michelle Kremers- Various Public Health- Supplies, travel expense- $105.46, Miller Construction- FG, CH, Justice center buildings- Maintenance- $67400.00, Niobrara County Assessor- Assessor- Supplies, postage, vehicle repairs- $36.54, Niobrara County Circuit Court- Garnishment- $647.50, Niobrara County Hospital District- 1% Option Tax- $15592.60, Niobrara County Library- General Co.- Deferred compensation- $1875.00, Niobrara County Public Health- Prevention grant- Indirect costs- $266.61, Niobrara Electric Association- Various- Radio tower electricity- $64.52, Onsolve- Dispatch- Computer expense- $2662.50, Palen Law Offices, LLP.- Clerk of Court- Court appointed attorney- $980.00, Pier Funeral Home- Coroner- Postage- $5.50, Regional West Medical Center- Coroner- Autopsy- $532.00, Safe Life Defense- Various- New equipment- $3168.00, Sand Rock Vision Clinic- Facilities- Rent & utilities for temporary sheriff’s office- $731.97, Schindler Elevator Corp.- Quarterly maintenance- $1462.74, Stinker Stores, Inc.- Various- Fuel- $4642.40, Sun Ridge Systems, Inc,.- Various- Computer expense- $6429.00, Team Laboratory Chemical, LLC.- Facilities- Supplies- $382.50, The Master’s Touch- Treasurer- Mailing service- $ 1716.00, Thomson Reuters-West- County Attorney- Law library- $168.83, Torrington Office Supply- Various- Supplies- $102.33, Town of Lusk- Various- Utilities- $2837.33, Traci Bruegger- Facilities- Cleaning contract- $4300.00, Tyler Technologies- Treasurer- Computer expense- $82.69, Verizon Wireless- Various- Phones, base charge- $377.18, Visa- Various- Supplies, travel, postage, medical supplies, IT expense, dues, new equipment, computer expense- $6122.76, Vision Service Plan- Various- Vision Insurance $435.46, Visionary Broadband- Various- IT expense- $730.93, Wyoming Association of Risk Management- General County- Property insurance premium- $240.25, Westco- Road & Bridge- Fuel- $8344.94, Western Pathology Consultants, PC.- Coroner- Autopsy- $1000.00, WY Enterprise Technology Services- Various- Computer expense- $33.85, Wyoming Educators’ Benefit Trust- Co Admin- Health & life insurance- $21404.99, Wyoming Network, Inc.- General County- IT expense- $200.00, Xerox Corp.- Co admin- Copier service agreement- $130.22,  Payroll Deductions & Accounts payable total- $259575.18

Grand total for July $426754.47

            There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.

                                                                                    NIOBRARA COUNTY COMMISSIONERS

                                                                                    Patrick Wade, Chairman


Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk

Public Notice No. 5986. Published in The Lusk Herald on September 27, 2023.