Public Notice No. 6110


Budget Hearing


Budget Hearing Information

Location:  306 Griffith Ave.

Date:  7/10/2024

Time:  5:00 PM

Budget Prepared by:   Monty Finley

Budget Message:    Niobrara County Rural Fire District is in an ongoing effort to keep our equipment updated and highly functional.   We have older equipment that should be retired and some equipment that needs to be updated.  We are always vigilant in making sure our safety equipment is functional and up-to-date.  We also are working at keeping our paging and dispatch services at the highest technology. Starting July, 2024 we are building a garage 24 miles north of Lusk.  This will be a heated building that will provide safe year-around storage for up to 5 fire trucks.

Board Members:  Colby Thurston, Monty Finley, Jim Meng, Kyle Gruwell, Justin Kremers

Overview:                                                                                      2024-2025 Proposed

Total Budget Expenditures                                                           $  845,100

Total General Fund/Forecasted revenues available                $1,958,612

Amount requested from County Commissioners                     $   410,000

Revenue Summary:

Tax Levy (from the County Treasurer)                                         $   410,000

Miscellaneous                                                                                  $      36,500

Total Revenue                                                                                  $   446,500

Expenditure Summary:

Capital Outlay                                                                                   $   560,000

Administration                                                                                 $      33,000

Operations                                                                                        $    180,600

Indirect Costs                                                                                    $      71,500

Total Expenditures                                                                           $    845,100

TOTAL GENERAL FUNDS                                                                  $ 1,512,112

District Address:  306 Griffith Ave, PO Box 59

                                Lusk, WY  82225-0059

District Phone:  307-334-2417

Prepared by Monty Finley

Public Notice No. 6110. Published in The Lusk Herald on July 3, 2024.