Public Notice No. 6130




In accordance with W.S. 15-1-110(b)(i), the following is a complete listing of each full-time and elected official of the Town of Lusk and their respective annual salaries for fiscal year 2023-2024.  All salaries are listed as base annual salaries or actual wages, not including any fringe benefits such as health insurance, payroll taxes or pension plan contributions.  Any overtime the employee earned and was paid by the town is included.  This list does not include seasonal or part-time employees.

Name                           Position                                                Base Annual Salary        Overtime Pay

Douglas E. Lytle             Mayor                                                  $ 12,000.00                  $       0.00

Thomas Dooper            Council Member                                   $   1,200.00                   $       0.00

  1. Dean Nelson Council Member $   1,275.00                   $       0.00

Chantry Filener             Council Member                                   $   1,275.00                   $       0.00

Adam Dickson               Council Member                                   $         75.00                  $       0.00

Ronson B Pfister            Council Member                                   $    1,200.00                  $       0.00

Justin “Bo” Krein           Council Member                                   $       150.00                  $       0.00

Desirae                         Clerk/Treasurer                                     $ 44,940.00                  $       0.00


Taylor Willis                  Deputy Clerk/Treasurer                         $33,483.00                   $   618.75

Sheila Youngquist          Utility Billing Clerk                                 $16,280.00                   $    84.00

Todd Skrukrud              Director of Public Works                        $84,898.00                   $       0.00

Royce Thompson          Electric Supervisor/Airport Manger        $45,830.85                   $3,158.74

Pete Kruse                    Lineman/Electric Supervisor                  $65,853.56                   $2,566.69

Justin Lashmett             Sanitation Laborer/Apprentice Lineman $39,669.33                   $   783.46

John Eddy                     Water/Sewer Supervisor                       $64,919.31                   $1,907.36

Rory Norberg                Water/Sewer Laborer                            $50,755.77                   $1,413.22

Bruce Himes                 Streets/Sanitation/Recycling Supervisor $63,662.26                   $1,400.41

David D. Penfield          Streets Laborer                                     $53,587.24                   $1,339.25

Jacob Phipps                 Streets Laborer                                     $47,095.61                   $   775.70

Cory Wilcox                  Mechanic                                             $59,427.01                   $   372.02

Jasper Lashmett            Sanitation Laborer                                $34,317.53                   $   512.75

Michael Pfister              Sanitation Laborer                                $12,857.50                   $      83.25

Daniel Kruse                 Sanitation Laborer                                $  4,014.00                   $        0.00

James Santistevan         Cemetery/Parks Manager                      $58,966.98                   $   275.53

Trevor Barner               Golf Course Superintendent                  $36,000.12                   $       0.00

Justin “Bo” Krein           Chief of Police                                       $16,226.83                   $       0.00

Jacob Gordon               Officer/Chief of Police                           $68,114.49                   $2,351.92

Jay Owren                    Police Officer                                        $57,170.32                   $3,299.58

Jeremiah Fink               Police Officer                                        $52,397.21                   $1,083.32

Stuart Coxhead             Police Officer                                        $50.665.78                   $1,688.15

Christopher Smith         Police Officer                                        $33,991.50                   $2,064.00

Rhonda Tollman            Police Office Manager                           $34,325.23                   $        0.00

I hereby certify the above information was noticed pursuant to Wyoming Statutes this 14th day of August 2024, being published in The Lusk Herald, Lusk, Wyoming.

Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 6130. Published in The Lusk Herald on August 14, 2024