Public Notice No. 6191



January 7, 2025, 5:00 P.M.
The Town Council of the Town of Lusk met in regular session at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of Town Hall on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Council Members Present: Mayor Douglas Lytle, Council Members Thomas Dooper, Ronson Pfister, and Chantry Filener- joined the meeting at 5:17pm
Also Present: Attorney Dennis Meier; Todd Skrukrud, Public Works Director; Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer; Jacob Gordon, Police Chief; Taylor Willis, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer; Mike Mayville, EMS Director; Sheila Boldon and Tom Wasserburger, Lodging Tax Board; Morgan Nolan, Chamber of Commerce; Brandie Collins, Lusk Herald.
Desi LeLeux led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
MAYOR LYTLE called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m.
COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve a consent agenda for item numbers three (3) through six (6). Items on consent agenda: Agenda, Bills, Payroll, Treasurer’s Report, Minutes. MOTION CARRIED. 3-0
14 County Tire- Parts/ Supplies/ Vehicle Repair $105.00; Aced Embroidery- Ambulance Supplies $2,830.00; Aflac- Payroll Deduction $721.54; Allbright’s True Value- Supplies $609.48; ALSCO- Mat Rental $145.35; AT&T Mobility- PD Phones/Tablets $445.95; Bloomers, LLC- Funeral Plant $53.95; Border State Industries Inc.- Electric Line Upgrade $973.02; Carver, Florek, & James- Audit Expense $34,965.70; Caselle Inc.- Office Support & Maintenance $1,360.00; CDW Government- PD Fortinet/ Cyber Security $4,789.35; Century Link- Phone Services $1,322.76; CJ Enterprises- Shop Maintenance $435.00; Connecting Point- Copier Lease $100.00; Doyle J. Davies- Municipal Judge/Supplies $1,073.00; Decker’s Food Center- Supplies $20.86; Delta Dental- Employee Dental Insurance $1,087.60; Energy Laboratories, Inc- Water Samples/ Well Monitoring $146.00; Franks Parts Company- Parts/Supplies/Repairs/Fuel/Oil $1,101.07; Great American Financial Services- Copier Lease $100.00; Harberts, Michael- IT Services $535.00; HDR, Inc- Consultant Fees $6,452.41; Hotel Laminates- Hotel Ad / Golf Course $300.00; Jergenson, Doug- Monthly Wage Animal Controls $1,609.17; Jirdon Agri Chemicals- Parks/ Cemetery Fertilizer $13,800.00; Lawson Products, Inc- Shop Tools/ Supplies $30.82; Lumen- Phone, Long Distance $18.51; Lusk Herald- Legal Advertising/ Advertising $2,665.32; Lusk Lodging Tax Board- Lodging Tax Distribution $4,698.43; Matheson Tri-Gas Inc- Ambulance Oxygen $55.73; Meier Building- Rent $800.00; Meier Law Office- Monthly Retainer $3,000.00; Municipal Emergency Svcs- Fire Dept Supplies /Equip Repair $565.40; Niobrara Chamber of Commerce- Promotion $187.50; Niobrara County Library- Internet Service $250.00; Niobrara County Treasurer- Communication Contract $6,301.50; Niobrara Electric Association- Utilities $46.00; One-Call of Wyoming- Dig Tickets $23.25; Packard, Lloyd- Utility Deposit Refund $80.57; Pitney Bowes Global Financial- Leasing Charges $163.53; Pitney Bowes Inc- Supplies $91.29; Pitney Bowes Purchase Power- Postage $541.99; Shores, Chirstopher- Utility Deposit Refund $49.20; Sinclair, Pine Bluffs- Airport Fuel Purchase $4,344.00; TDS Trash Collection Serv.- Tipping Fees $4,229.78; Torrington Office Supplies- Supplies $46.99; Underground Enterprises- Transfer Station Fees $2,625.00; Visa 0681- Subscriptions/ Supplies/ K-9 /Postage $847.07; Visa 0699- Parts/ Supplies $160.98; Visa 0715- Ambulance Emergency Coverage/ Maintenance $700.94; Visa 1267- Supplies/ Subscriptions/ Support/ Membership $653.29; Visionary Broadband- Internet Service $562.80; W.M.P.A.- Power Purchase $94,187.89; WAM/WCCA- Shop Heater Lease Payment $786.55; Western Medical Management- Ambulance Billing Fees $1,045.43; WEX Bank- Fuel $2,896.19; Wildwood Tree Service LLC- Cemetery Tree Removal $5,000.00; WY Assn of Municipalities- Conference Registration $265.00; Wyoming Dept of Revenue- Sales Tax $6,341.86; WY Dept of Transportation- PD Fuel Purchase $1,931.28; WY Dept. of Workforce Services- Worker’s Compensation $1,924.33; WY Educators Benefit Trust- Employee Insurance $34,839.50; WY Office State Lands & Investments- Loan Payment CW191 $41,743.29. Total Vouchers $299,783.42.
Manual Checks, December 2024

Jergenson, Doug- Salary- Amendment Catch -up $207.51; Norberg, Rory- Per Diem Water Samples $24.00; Kruse, Pete- Per Diem Safety Meeting $24.00; Lashmett, Justin- Per Diem Safety Meeting $24.00; Apex Energy Services, LLC - Reissue check #47485 $12,100.00; Lusk Herald- Legal/Advertising $1,744.26; VISA 0715- Ambulance Emergency Coverage/ Vehicle Repairs $645.48; Wyoming Dept of Revenue- Sales Tax $5,486.17; Circuit Court of Niobrara County - Writ of Wages, Garnishment $368.77; Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $595.75; Wyoming Child Support- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $307.84; International Institute of Muni Clerks- Dues & Fees $355.00; AVI PC Engineering Inc- Engineering Fees $57,323.01; Oftedal Construction Inc- Contractor Payment $256,396.45; Niobrara County Circuit Court- Reimb Citation Payment incorrectly paid to Town $140.00; Niobrara County Circuit Court- Reimb Citation Payment incorrectly paid to Town $205.00; Postmaster- Utility Bill Mailings $327.99; Oftedal Construction Inc- Contractor Payment $284,332.15; Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $362.46; Circuit Court of Niobrara County- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $565.26; Wyoming Child Support- Writ of Wages, Garnishment $307.84; Kerkes, Steven & Lorna- Utility Deposit/ Over Payment Refund $208.46; Bruegger, Shannon- Reimburse overpayment Hanger Lease $900.00. Total $622,951.40.
ACH - December 2024
Black Hills Energy- Pool Gas Utilities $351.73; Lusk State Bank- Health Savings Account $6,125.07; Elevon- Office Credit Card Fees $308.79; Wyoming Retirement System- Government Contribution $27,102.80; Xpress Bill Pay- Online Bill Pay Fees $119.00; Verizon Wireless- Ambulance Phones $89.74; Black Hills Energy- Shop Gas Utilities $212.51; Black Hills Energy- Warehouse Gas Utilities $191.03; Black Hills Energy- PD Gas Utilities $76.05; Black Hills Energy- Ambulance Gas Utilities $205.27; Empower Trust- WRS 457 Retirement $100.00; 941 Employers Federal Tax- Payroll FICA/FWT $5,325.76; 941 Employers Federal Tax- Payroll FICA/FWT $11,518.30; Empower Trust- WRS 457 Retirement $100.00; 941 Employers Federal Tax- Payroll FICA/FWT $11,689.48; Empower Trust- WRS 457 Retirement $100.00; 941 Employers Federal Tax- Payroll FICA/FWT $2,382.64; Empower Trust- WRS 457 Retirement $100.00. Total $66,098.17
No Visitors
Department Updates:
Department Updates were given by Mike Mayville, Chief Gordon, Lodging Tax Board, Desi LeLeux, and Todd Skrukrud.
Old Business:
No old business
New Business:
Mayor Lytle requested to appoint Ty Thompson to fill the vacant council seat. COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER to approve the Mayor’s request. MOTION CARRIED. 3-0
COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER, to approve the request of Morgan Nolan as Lodging Tax Director. MOTION CARRIED. vote 4-0
New Livestock Permit for Nola Blackburn – Horse, was tabled until more information is obtained.
COUNCIL MEMBER THOMPSON MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER, to approve the Amendment to Agreement for Engineering Services HDR Project #13074517 “Lusk Safe Pathways”. MOTION CARRIED. 4-0
Council Member Filener joined the meeting at 5:17pm.
COUNCIL MEMBER DOOPER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER PFISTER, to approve Resolution 25-01, A Resolution Designating a Depository of the Funds of the Town of Lusk, Wyoming, a Municipal Corporation Existing Under and by Virtue of the Laws of the State of Wyoming. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0
COUNCIL MEMBER FILENER MOVED, SECOND BY COUNCIL MEMBER THOMPSON, to approve Resolution No. 25-02, A Resolution Authorizing Transfers in the 2024-2025 Fiscal Year Budget to Comply with Wyoming Statute 16-4-108, Limitation on Expenditures or Encumbrances, Documentation of Expenditures; and Revenues Collected Not Foreseen. MOTION CARRIED. 5-0
The next regular council meeting will be on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 5:19 p.m.
Douglas E. Lytle, Mayor
Desirae Matthews-LeLeux, Clerk/Treasurer

Public Notice No. 6191 published in The Lusk Herald on January 22, 2025.