Notice is hereby given that the 8th day of March, 2019, Rex & Julie Tollman d/b/a Lusk Liquor Store filed an application for the renewal of a Retail Liquor License in the Office of the Clerk of the Town of Lusk, for the following place and premises to-wit:
Lot 4, Block 2, Original Town Site in the Town of Lusk, Niobrara County Wyoming.
And protest if any there be against the issuance of any such licenses will be heard at 4:00 p.m. on the 2nd day of April, 2019, in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall.
Linda M. Frye,
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Public Notice No.5234. Published in The Lusk Herald on March 20, 2019 & March 27, 2019