Town Council hears concerns over open container permits

Brandie Collins
Posted 6/6/24

LUSK - The Town of Lusk council held their monthly meeting on June 4. Niobrara Community Prevention Specialist Kassidy Miller spoke out against the open container permit that Sheila Youngquist and …

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Town Council hears concerns over open container permits


LUSK - The Town of Lusk council held their monthly meeting on June 4. Niobrara Community Prevention Specialist Kassidy Miller spoke out against the open container permit that Sheila Youngquist and Michelle Fife had applied for. Youngquist and Fife were requesting the open container permit for softball games, which are held on Mondays and one Sunday in August, from 5 p.m. to10 p.m. This permit was limited.

Miller said, “Our county has higher alcohol use and shutting down these community norms with alcohol use would help. It is a proven risk to use alcohol with unsupervised children and no one is there to facilitate.”

Councilman Tom Dooper said, “I get it, but it’s not for me to tell somebody what to do with their kids. That’s my opinion. If they’re drinking at home, they’re drinking around their kids.”

Miller said that the softball games consume only two hours a week, which means limited youth exposure to drinking.

Lusk Police Chief Jacob Gordon stated that the Lusk PD (Lusk Police Department) had dealt with intoxicated individuals at public events before. According to Gordon, such incidents have significantly disrupted community events.

Miller said, “I feel we have to start somewhere.”

Linda Frye added, “You are sitting up there and you make the call. You don’t have control over who drinks, but you do have control over the softball teams. There are kids that are 14 years old that can play. There have been issues. There are some things you can’t control, but the softball game is a place that you have control. No matter what you’re going to do, someone isn’t going to like it.”

The council approved the open container permits with the proviso that they are restricted to the playing field during softball games. Mayor Lytle said that he’d like to hear more feedback from the public about this matter.

The 2024-25 fiscal budget was opened for public discussion, but no attendees commented. The third and final reading of the 2024-25 fiscal year budget in the amount of $25,030,505.67 was approved by the council.

Visitor Will Arthur of Attentive Benefits gave a brief presentation concerning his company, which offers tax breaks for employees who participate in their insurance program. The council decided if the town employees would like to opt in for the services being offered, they had that option for supplemental insurance. The town would also receive a tax break, along with the employees that participate in the program.

Visitor Cass Matney asked to reserve the golf course for Saturday, August 10 to host the Niobrara County Trap Tee Toss Golf Tournament. Council approved this date and gave a discount for green fees of $12. Matney told the council that tournament revenue would be channeled into a donation to the school lunch program.

Livestock Permits were renewed for Royce Thompson (chickens), Randy and Cindy Starkey (poultry), Leslie R. Erwin (chickens and turkey), and Jeptha Willouhby (chickens). Mayor Doug Lytle added that roosters were not allowed as part of the renewals.

A pasture lease renewal for J.V. Boldon for six-and-a-half acres located in the Business Park was renewed for another two years for $200.

Re-elected councilmen Thomas Dooper and Ronson Pfister and newly elected Justin Bo Krein were sworn in. Mayor Lytle said, “I want to thank Dean [Nelson] for his six-years on the council and for his hard work and we look forward to his continued support.”

A commercial building lease was renewed for the Lusk Police Department office for $800 per month at the Meier Building

The next Town of Lusk meeting will be held on July 2 at 5 p.m. at Lusk Town Hall.