NIOBRARA COUNTY - Niobrara County School District #1(NCSD #1) school board meeting was held on September 9. The school board has become more efficient with a scanning a QR code that not only has the school board agenda but also has a plethora of notes that include things from the superintendent report to maintenance reports.
LUSK – The Elks Lodge 1797 Elves are already preparing for the holidays by gathering donations of toys and food for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
LUSK – The Lusk Ambulance Service has acquired new equipment to assist it in saving lives, thanks to a donation from the Niobrara County Medical Foundation.
LUSK – Lusk Town Council met on September 3 and heard complaints from visitors. Stan Rutherford criticized the wording of the town’s noise ordinance, which allows for a noise complaint at any time of the day. Rutherford has received several complaints about the noise level at his property. Ruther- ford said that his neighbor continually calls the Police with claims that his daughter is playing her radio too loud. Rutherford told the council that his daughter only plays her radio between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m
NIOBRARA COUNTY – Nio- brara County Commissioner met on September 3 for their regular meeting. A brief discussion was held concerning the proposed sale of an acre of land that is part of the …
NIOBRARA COUNTY – Local agri- culture advocate organization, Niobrara County Farm Bureau Federation, recent- ly donated $600 to the Niobrara County Sheriff’s Office. In …
NIOBRARA COUNTY – While the scorching summer temperatures would have qualified Saturday, August 17 as a dog day afternoon, it was actually just one installment in a pair of Coyote Days. Conceived and organized by John Gra- ham, this two-day event is dedicated to the art of animal trapping. Top trappers from around the country come to the Niobrara County Fairgrounds to demonstrate outdoor disciplines like trapping, snaring, fur handling, calling, and predator control.
LUSK – The Niobrara Senior Center celebrated their 50th anniversary on August 23. Members of the community, past and present Niobrara Senior Center Board members, veteran directors of the Senior Center, and staff gathered for the celebration.
LUSK – A little bit of class was recently added to downtown Lusk, be- tween Allbright’s True Value and Lorn Heth’s office. This touch of style came with the addition of a pergola, picnic tables, drums and xylophones. The pocket park was landscaped with colorful plants and wall art, which included a postcard picture. All these elements come together into an area for walkers to rest and tourists and locals to enjoy.
LUSK – On August 16, LEMS (Lusk Elementary/Middle School) Community for Kids hosted a free swim at Lusk Tiger Plunge with a BBQ courtesy of Niobrara County High School USASkills.
NIOBRARA COUNTY – Another primary election is down in the books for 2024 with wins and losses for both local and state elections. US Senator John Barrasso was re- elected for another term …
LUSK – There was foam on the range at the Niobrara County Library last Tuesday. A group of 148 children and adults found themselves en- gulfed in a swirling mass of bubbles. No, there …
LUSK – A power outage plunged all of Lusk into darkness last Fri- day. Wyoming Municipal Power Agency (WMPA) Operations Manager James Harty stated that the outage was attributable to a burned-out regulator for the downtown substation, which is owned by the Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). A crew led by Electric Superin- tendent Pete Kruse identified the source of the problem and a WAPA expert was subsequently dispatched. The expert had to travel from Casper, which meant a few hours of darkness for Lusk residents.
LUSK – As the final cheers faded from the stands and the last shovel of sawdust was hauled off the Niobrara County fair came to another successful close on Sat- urday. The events …
GOSHEN COUNTY – Hot and dry... these are the chief environmental conditions contributing to wildfires that ravenously consume vegetation and homes alike. Omi- nously enough, these conditions have been pronounced throughout Wyoming this sum- mer. Nowhere has this reality been more brutally demonstrated than in Pleasant Valley, which was set ablaze by heretofore undetermined causative factors on July 30, 2024. As of August 4, 2024, the fire spanned roughly 28,000 acres and was 40-percent contained. The containment efforts received a helping hand from the Lusk Volunteer Fire Department. According to Fire Chief Chantry Filener, three Lusk volunteer fire- fighters assisted in combating the blaze. Needless to say, the task was a daunting one.
NIOBRARA - Native Wyoming rancher J.D. Williams is throwing his hat into the political arena with his eyes firmly set on Wyoming House of Representative District Two.
LUSK - Tuff as Nails and Tanning beloved owner Sherry Ellis will be officially passing her nail file to Heidi Cardwell on August 9.
NIOBRARA COUNTY – Niobrara County School District #1 recently welcomed new superintendent, Dan Schmidt. Schmidt’s predecessor, George Mirich, retired in June 2024.
NIOBRARA COUNTY – Becky Blackburn, the paralegal of Niobrara County Attorney Anne Wasserburger, has recently adopted the title of Victim/Witness Coordinator.
LUSK – Lusk residents en- joyed a morning of wings and wheels at the Lusk Municipal Airport on Saturday. Planes, classic cars, a free pancake breakfast, and a flour drop competition were just …