The County Commissioners’ meeting was called to order November 17, 2020 at 9:04 a.m. with Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, Commissioner Elaine Griffith, and County Clerk Becky L. Freeman present.
Chairman Wade led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Road & Bridge- Road and Bridge Foreman Fred Thomas called in to the meeting. Mr. Thomas said that there were differences between his mileage calculation and those of the engineers for the 2020 Winter Road Rehab Project on Cheyenne River Road, so he measured the mileage again and the mileage is 4.6 miles. He said BenchMark will start advertising the project next week, bids would be reviewed on December 8th at 10:00 a.m. the County Shop and will be opened on December 15th during a regular Commissioner meeting.
He said that Boner Road is prepped and JW Services is hauling gravel on the east end of Hat Creek Road. They are still doing patching on Kirtley Road and probably will be for the rest of the week.
Cindy Starkey called in to the meeting to explain her request for the change of zoning. She said the main reason for the change of zoning is because they want to refinance, but the bank won’t lend on anything larger than 20 acres. They had it surveyed and broke it down into two 10 acre parcels and one 80 acre parcel.
Rick Crays, of Rock Solid SST, gave a presentation on UVC and ionized air sanitizing equipment that can be used in patrol cars and offices.
Old Business- There was nothing new to report on state easements.
The group also discussed the historical signage for the courthouse.
Predator Board Member Reappointments- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to reappoint Terry Allbright and Jerrad Blair to the Predator Board as At-Large and Sportsman members respectively with their terms ending on December 31, 2023. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried.
The Commissioners set the Change of Zoning Public Hearings for December 15, 2020 at 9:00 a.m.
The Commissioners discussed the employee manual.
County Health Officer- Dr. Joleen Falkenburg met with the Commssioners and discussed the County Health Officer meeting she attended last week. She said a majority of the County Health Officers are filing paperwork requesting a mask mandate. She doesn’t know if she is supportive of a mandate as it doesn’t make compliance any easier. She feels education is the best tool in preventing the spread of the virus. She asked the Commissioners what they thought about a mask mandate and Commissioner Griffith didn’t think it could be enforced. She said the rest of the County Health Officers throughout the state are probably going to file mask mandate orders but she is not signing off on it. She feels social distancing is best.
The Commissioners supported Dr. Falkenburg’s opinion about no mask mandates for Niobrara County at this time.
Resolution 20-16-Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve Resolution 20-16, a Resolution of the governing body authorizing submission of a Coronavirus relief grant application to the State Load and Investment Board on behalf of the governing body for the Niobrara County Board of Commissioners requesting $600,693.17 for 100% reimbursement of the March through December 2020 eligible salary and benefits for detention officers and dispatch/communication employees. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried. A complete copy of the resolution is on file in the County Clerk’s office and on the County’s website.
The Commissioners laid back Resolution 20-17- 1% tax certification for further discussion.
County Attorney- Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners and discussed county business.
Consent Agenda-Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the November 10, 2020 meeting.