Public Notice No. 6113


The regular meeting of the Niobrara County Commissioners commenced on June 4, 2024, at 9:03 a.m. Present were Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, and via Zoom, Commissioner Elaine Griffith. Also present were County Clerk Becky L. Freeman and Undersheriff Kelly Dean. Members of the audience included Brandie Collins, with the Lusk Hearld, and Kurt Gaukel.

Chairman Wade led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.

            Road & Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas met with the Commissioners and updated them on road and bridge business.

            BenchMark of Torrington engineer Brian Wakefield joined the meeting. He discussed the 2024 Road Rehabilitation Project and said the contractor is waiting on his bond before he can begin the project. Mr. Wakefield said that the Notice to Proceed cannot be signed until the bond is complete.

            Commissioner Griffith moved to sign the Notice of Award when the bond is received, and the paperwork is complete. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.     

            County Attorney- Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners to discuss county business. She discussed the contract with Rapid Fire Protection for the annual fire alarm inspection at the sheriff’s office and said that Rapid Fire had made her requested changes to the contract.

            She discussed opioid settlements and said she would present more information at the next meeting regarding the latest settlement agreement the county could enter.

            Old Business- Commissioner Griffith said that Leslie Stewart and a representative with Ayer Associates, a consulting firm from Cheyenne, met to conduct a review of the old jail.

            Elected Officials and Department Heads- Undersheriff Kelly Dean said that two detention officers will be attending the law enforcement academy and that he and Sheriff Starkey are trying to get a few state inmates housed here, which will generate some income.

            Public Health Nurse Supervisor Melanie Pearce said that an open house was held at the public health nurse’s office last week and she felt it was a success.

            She noted that the public health disparities grant has been extended until December 31, 2024. This is a grant that was awarded to the county for the remodeling of the public health building.

            Public Health Response Coordinator Monica Wilcox said she has attended some training. She noted that she needs to conduct some tabletop exercises to mimic a real health emergency or natural disaster.

            Emergency Management Coordinator James Santistevan updated the Commissioners on the hazard mitigation plan he has been updating.

            Treasurer Keri Thompson said the property tax payment deadline has passed and she is now sending out delinquent notices. She also discussed the property tax refund program and said her office saw a slight increase in participation than in years past. She said the tax refund money is funded through the State.

            Assessor Teri Stephens said she is busy working on property ownership transfers while her deputies are conducting property reviews.

            County Clerk Becky Freeman said her focus is on the upcoming elections.

            Extension Agent Kellie Chichester said they are busy preparing for the upcoming fair. She said new lights are being installed in the parking lot at the fairgrounds. She also noted that she needs a new computer and there is funding available in the budget. The Commissioners authorized her to move forward with the purchase.

            Clerk of Court Chrisanna Lund said her receipts for May were $494.10. She said the security cameras from the last grant should be installed soon.

            Rapid Fire Protection Agreement- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to authorize Sheriff Randy Starkey to sign the agreement between the Niobrara County Sheriff’s Office and Rapid Fire Protection for the annual fire alarm inspection at the sheriff’s office. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

            24-Hour Catering Permit- Commissioner Griffith moved to approve three 24-Hour Catering Permits for the Lusk Liquor Store to sell alcoholic beverages at the following events: The Alumni Banquet on June 22, 2024; the Legend of Rawhide Dance on July 12, 2024, and the Legend of Rawhide Dance on July 13, 2024. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

            Predator Board Member Appointment- Based on the recommendation from the Predator Board, Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to appoint Johnnie D. Lashmett to the board as a Sportsman At-Large member to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Royce Thompson. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

            Planning and Zoning Board Member Reappointments- Commissioner Griffith moved to reappoint James Kruse and Brian Zerbe to the Planning and Zoning Board for a three year-term each. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

            Election Judge Pay- This matter was tabled until Clerk Freeman could gather additional information.

            CPG Grant Closeout- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to sign the Close Out of Funds Form as the funds will not be used prior to June 30, 2024. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.

            Commissioner Griffith moved to submit the County’s comments to the BLM regarding the Greater Sage Grouse draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIC). Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

            Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the May 21, 2024, meeting, receipts for May from the County Clerk for $3,628.50.

            Payroll and the following vouchers were approved for payment: Bills are listed in the following format: Vendor- Department- Description- Amount- May Payroll- $136,086.89, Aflac- Various- Supplemental insurance- $7,530.76, Allbright’s True Value- Various- Supplies, parts, - $113.72, Alsco- Road & Bridge- Shop towels & coveralls- $361.08, Anne Wasserburger- County Attorney- Supplies- $106.84, Black Hills Chemical & Janitorial- Various- Supplies- $478.13, Black Hills Energy- Various- Utilities- $841.71, Boldon Diesel Service, LLC.- Road & Bridge- Equipment repairs- $79.90, Budd-Falen Law Offices- Commissioners- Legal review for Draft Land Use Plan- $27.65, Canon Financial Services- General County- Copier service agreements- $330.00, CenturyLink- Various- Telephones- $2,107.89, CenturyLink Business Services- Various- Telephones- $71.73, Communication Technologies, Inc.- PHRC Grant- Supplies- $131.76, Connecting Point Computer Centers- Various- Copier service agreements - $309.00, Cory Wilcox- Coroner- Deputy coroner stipend- $300.00, Decker’s Market- Road & Bridge- Supplies- $50.87, Delta Dental of WY- Various- Dental insurance- $945.45, Dennis C. Meier- Circuit Court Magistrate- Office rent- $1,000.00, Dooley Oil Inc. – NE – Road & Bridge- Oil- $757.90, Double A Properties, LLC.- Co. Attorney- Office rent- $1,000.00, Eastern Wyoming Community College- Road & Bridge- Schools- $5,100.00, Empower Trust Company, LLC.- General Co.- Deferred Compensation- $19,605.00, Frank Parts Co.- Road & Bridge- Parts- $197.56, Geographic Innovations- Various- Professional mapping services- $1,500.00, GreatAmerica Financial Services- Sheriff- Copier service agreement- $103.00, GSG Architecture Design- Justice Center- Construction administration- $177.15, Hiway Brake & Alignment- Sheriff- Vehicle repairs- $887.29, Holmes Ranch Excavation, LLC.- ARPA Grant- Project oversight- $4,396.10, Hometown Country- Sheriff- Uniforms- $77.00, Jameson Cleaning & Maintenance- Facilities- Fairgrounds cleaning contract, fairgrounds event booking contract- $8,100.00, Kassidy Miller- Prevention Grant- IT expense- $40.00, Keri Thompson- Treasurer- Travel expense- $362.24, Lexie Painter- Extension- Contract labor- fair board bookkeeping- $600.00, Local Government Liability Pool- General County- Fair Board Premium for May & June- $125.00, Lusk Herald- Various- Publications- $2,211.30, Lusk State Bank- Various- Payroll taxes & clerk supplies- $38,342.38, Michael G. Mayville- Facilities- Snow removal- $845.00, Michael Harberts- General County- IT Expense- $415.00, Michelle Kremers- Various- Travel expense, supplies- $163.48, Midwest Plumbing, Inc.- Facilities- Justice ctr. mtnc.- $307.49, Migali Industries- PH Grant- New equipment- $7,174.60, Niobrara County Circuit Court- Payroll- Garnishment- $649.63, NCIC Inmate Communications- Detention- Telephone- $198.75,  Niobrara County Hospital District- Various- 1% Option Tax- $22,471.44, Niobrara County Library- Deferred compensation reimbursement- $1,875.00, Niobrara County Public Health- Prevention Grant- Administration- $260.00, Niobrara Electric Association- Various- Radio tower electricity- $21.12, Office Depot- Various- Supplies- $196.49, Olson Tire Co.- Sheriff- Tires- $1,026.88, Opal Mercantile LLC.- Sheriff- Ammunition- $2,000.00, Rawhide Drug Co.- Detention- Inmate medical- $183.61, Rawhide Fabrication- PH Grant- Sign for public health nurse office- $1,575.00, Rawhide Motel- Sheriff- Travel expense- $183.60, Roetman Enterprises- Facilities- Maintenance- $102.35, Schindler Elevator Corp.- Facilities- Quarterly elevator mtnce.- $1,462.74, Swanson Services Corp.- Detention- Inmate commissary account- $493.97, The Master’s Touch- Assessor- Mailing service- $1,077.82, Thomson Reuters-West- County Attorney- Law library- $173.89, , Torrington Office Supply- Various- Supplies- $123.57, Town of Lusk- Various- Utilities- $2,469.88, Traci Bruegger- Facilities- Cleaning contract- $4,300.00, Tyler Technologies- Various- IT expense- $4,303.99, UW Cooperative Extension Service- Extension- Co. quarterly share of 4-H educator salary- $6,846.00, Verizon Wireless- Various- Phones, base charge $433.70, Visa- Various- Supplies, travel expense, postage, new equipment, IT expense, TANF grant, medical supplies, schools, commissary- $5,039.99, Vision Service Plan- Various- Vision Insurance $404.77, Visionary Broadband- Various- IT expense- $745.14, Westco- Road & Bridge- Fuel- $5,152.91, Weston County Prevention- Prevention grant- Supplies- $60.00, WEX Bank- Various- Fuel- $1,211.19, WY Dept. of Health-Public Health Lab- Public Health Nurse- Medical supplies- $28.00,  Wyoming Educators’ Benefit Trust- Co Admin- Health & life insurance- $25,142.95, Wyoming Machinery Company- Road & Bridge- Equipment repairs- $1,149.98, Wyoming Network, Inc.- General County- IT expense- $200.00, Wyoming Office of Guardian ad Litem- Clerk of Court- County share of GAL expense- $5,527.91, Wyoming Women’s Center- Detention- Inmate Meals- $1723.29, Xerox Corp.- Co admin- Copier service agreement- $135.87.  May Total- $343,095.30

            There being no further business, Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 p.m. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.


                                                                        Patrick Wade, Chairman

Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk

Public Notice No. 6113. Published in The Lusk Herald on July 10, 2024.