Public Notice No. 6149


The regular meeting of the Niobrara County Commissioners commenced on September 17, 2024, at 9:01 a.m. Present were Chairman Patrick H. Wade, Vice-Chairman John Midkiff, and Commissioner Elaine Griffith. Also present were County Clerk Becky L. Freeman, and Sheriff Randy Starkey. Members of the audience included Brandie Collins with the Lusk Herald, and Jeb Hanson, Commissioner candidate.

            Road & Bridge- Foreman Fred Thomas updated the Commissioners on road and bridge matters.

He said that Miller Construction had repaired the roof and drywall on the shop.

            He also said that road and bridge has completed gravel work on Boner Road and will work on placing gravel on Thompson Road.

             BenchMark of Torrington- Engineer Brian Wakefield and contractor Jim Whetsell joined the meeting to discuss the 2024 Road Rehabilitation auto-gates and headwall project. Mr. Whetsell explained the difficulty he has had in finding help for the project. He asked for an extension of the contract for 45 days and said he should be done sooner than that but wanted the extra time to be sure. Mr. Wakefield will draw up a change order reflecting this change.

            Old Business- There was nothing new to report on the old jail, juvenile program, or fairgrounds property.

             24-Hour Catering Permit- Commissioner Griffith moved to approve a 24-hour catering permit for the Lusk Liquor Store to sell alcoholic beverages at the Boots & Bling event being held at the Niobrara County Fairgrounds on November 9, 2024. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

Snow Removal- Commissioner Griffith discussed the need to find someone to perform snow removal at the courthouse, library, justice center, and public health nurse building and said that Mike Mayville has done this for the last few years. Vice-Chairman Midkiff will contact Mr. Mayville to ask if he is willing to do so again this year.

County Attorney- Attorney Anne Wasserburger met with the Commissioners to discuss County business. Coroner Peter W. Pier joined the meeting to discuss a service agreement he received from Forensic Radiology Group, LLC. This company will perform radiology interpretations of CAT Scans from autopsies. Mr. Pier explained that there is no longer anyone in Scottsbluff that performs autopsies, so this is an option. He would have to have the CT scans performed and then those results would be submitted to this company.

He would like to visit with the hospital here to negotiate a price for the CT scans before going out of state for the scans.

Ms. Wasserburger said she would like to make some changes to the contract before it is considered for approval.

Dru Bower, of DRU Consulting joined the meeting via telephone and provided updates on BLM matters. Lisa Shaw and Heidi Sturman of the Conservation District were also in attendance.

Deputy County Attorney Doyle Davies presented a lease agreement between the Double A Properties and Niobrara County for county attorney office rent. The Commissioners asked if the effective dates could be changed to coincide with the fiscal year, July 1 - June 30, instead of the calendar year. Mr. Davies will make these changes. This lease agreement was tabled until the next meeting.

Consent Agenda- Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried. Items on the consent agenda were the minutes of the Sept 3, 2024, meeting, and receipts for July from the County Sheriff for $217.00, and from the Clerk of Court for $871.00.

2024 Road Rehabilitation Project Change Order One- Commissioner Griffith moved to approve Change Order One for Whetsell Carpentry, extending the contract end date by 45 days, as set forth by BenchMark of Torrington. Vice-Chairman Midkiff seconded, and the motion carried.

            There being no further business, Vice-Chairman Midkiff moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:08 p.m. Commissioner Griffith seconded, and the motion carried.


                                                                        Patrick Wade, Chairman

Becky L. Freeman, County Clerk

Public Notice No. 6149. Published in The Lusk Herald on October 9, 2024.